Chapter 365: the trouble caused by nourishing soup

He turned his head to look at her and his hand caressed her face.

Sha Zhixing felt pain and waved his hand away. She walked in front of them towards their car.

"Let's go home today." She got into the car and sat in the passenger seat. Sha Zhixing thought that An Xin might have seen the news about the competition today and suggested.

"Okay." Luo Xichen did not say anything and turned the car around and drove towards the Luo and Sha families.

He felt that on such a memorable day, An Xin would have a lot to say to Sha Zhixing.

Half an hour later, the sports car stopped at the Sha family home.

Luo Xichen did not go into his own home after arriving. Instead, he accompanied Sha Zhixing to her home.

When they arrived, An Xin and her father were sitting in the living room waiting.

The two of them had not been back for a few days. An Xin was very gentle to them today. As soon as they entered the house, they were taken to the restaurant and asked to drink two bowls of something unknown.

It was dark and very thick. It was made with Chinese medicine and there was meat in it that Sha Zhixing could not name.

"Mom, what is this?" Sha Zhixing asked in confusion as she drank the soup that she had made.

"It's nourishing," An Xin answered casually, but her eyes fell on Luo Xichen. She smiled and said, "Drink more. There's a lot of stew at home. If there's not enough, there's more."

Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He looked at her smiling eyes, then looked at the soup that he was drinking. He tasted it slowly and his lips twitched.

His mother-in-law was really considerate of him!

Sha Zhixing did not seem to notice anything. In addition, she had drunk some wine that night and was thirsty at this time. She drank her bowl in one go and stood up to refill her bowl.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched a few times after her actions. He looked at her slowly with a smile on his face. He did not stop her and just watched her drink slowly.

An Xin wanted to stop her, but she was afraid that she would ask more questions, so she held back her impulse.

Sha Zhixing drank half of a small pot of medicinal soup and left the rest to Luo Xichen.

After she was full, Sha Zhixing stayed on the sofa and refused to move.

An Xin sat next to her and asked a lot of questions about today's competition.

Sha Zhixing replied to her one by one and the two of them chatted for a while. They went upstairs because Sha Zhixing's body suddenly started to heat up.

It was inexplicably hot, and there seemed to be a warm stream of blood rushing into her nose. Every cell in her body felt like it was on fire.

"Mom..." Sha Zhixing felt that something was not right. She looked at An Xin and asked, "What was that soup for?"

An Xin glanced at her and said casually, "To strengthen your body."

Sha Zhixing looked doubtful.

What kind of body-strengthening medicine would make one's whole body feel like it was on fire?

However, when she looked at Luo Xichen, he did not react at all.

Why was this happening?

Was she drunk?

Luo Xichen brought her to her room. It was as if she was at home. He went into the bathroom to wash up.

Sha Zhixing's body was extremely hot. She was lying on the sofa, curled up like a cat.

She did not know much about Chinese medicine, so she could not taste the strange taste.

When Luo Xichen came out, he saw her lying on the sofa with her back to him. Her body was squirming like a worm, and her hands were even pulling at her clothes...