Chapter 370 I only care about you

A few minutes later, Sha Zhixing called Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen picked up the phone and said in a lazy voice, "Miss Sha, you've only been gone for a few minutes and you miss me already?"

"Get lost!" Sha Zhixing gave him two words and reported to him with a smile on her face the results she had achieved in just a few minutes. "You said that you fell in love with Rong Xi at first sight, how about that?"

"Fall in love with who?" Luo Xichen's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Necklaces," Sha Zhixing replied naturally.

Luo Xichen replied emotionlessly. "Keep thinking."

Sha Zhixing could not figure out what was wrong with her line, but he must have his own reasons for saying that.

After thinking for two minutes, she changed her line. "How about we use Always?"

She had always been simple in her style, which could be reflected in any aspect. The use of only one word in advertising lines was probably unprecedented in any field.

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched, and he asked her back, "Always what?"

"Always being loved, always standing in your side, always together. It just so happens to correspond with the meaning of this time."

Sha Zhixing said a lot in one breath, without even making a rough draft. However, Luo Xichen cut her off as soon as she finished speaking.

Sha Zhixing was a little dispirited. She thought quietly for two minutes and suddenly said, "I only care about you, how about that?"

"Speak louder." Luo Xichen's voice had a hint of a smile.

"I only care about you!" Sha Zhixing repeated.

"Louder." The smile in Luo Xichen's eyes deepened.

"I only care about you!" Sha Zhixing raised her voice again.

"Only care about who?" Luo Xichen's words had a hint of undetectable playfulness.

"I only care about you!" He pretended that he did not hear her clearly. This time, Sha Zhixing was shouting directly, and her voice was especially loud.

The office was dead silent for a few seconds.

A few people around her turned to look in her direction after she spoke.

Sha Zhixing was dumbfounded by the crowd.

She had shouted so passionately just now. Did people think that she was expressing her true feelings to someone?

Luo Xichen sat in his office chair and his thin lips curled up slowly after she spoke.

Then, he said slowly, "Miss Sha, I have received your confession."

He turned to look at the people around him who were staring at him. Sha Zhixing smiled awkwardly and turned her head. "I said the advertising line."

The slogan!

The group of people nodded in understanding. They smiled and turned their heads to continue with their work.

However, no matter how they looked at the smile, it was a bit intriguing.

Sha Zhixing was embarrassed.

She turned her attention back to the phone call with Luo Xichen. "Is it over this time?"

"Very good." Luo Xichen gave her a rare compliment. Just when Sha Zhixing thought that he would hang up the phone, he said slowly, "I only care about you."

His voice was low and deep. There was a faint smile on his face. It sounded like he was joking, but also serious.

Sha Zhixing was speechless for a moment, then she once again focused on her work.

He Simu was quite efficient. She found an advertising spokesperson in less than an hour and showed it to Sha Zhixing.

The woman she chose was a very popular young female star in the country. Her name was Su Yi, and the man chosen was Mo Yichen...