Chapter 379: chaotic scene

Sha Zhixing's and Shi Qinuo's costumes today were purely coincidental. No one had expected such a situation, and the scene instantly became chaotic.

"The 1314 two little guess-less series was personally handled by young master Luo, and Young Master Luo also appeared in the design competition at that time. The relationship between Miss Sha and young master Luo must be extraordinary, right? "

"Did Young Master Luo and Mr. Shi Qinuo Help Miss Sha a lot in the design competition last time? "

"So many senior designers participated in the competition. May I ask how Miss Sha, a 19-year-old newcomer, won? "

"was the result of the last competition decided internally? "

The reporters'questions came one after another, and the atmosphere became more and more heated. Almost all the reporters gathered around.

The media that Luo Xichen had invited to promote the 1314 jewelry series ended up using all of them on Sha Zhixing. The questions were getting more and more negative, and the press conference that was supposed to be held was suddenly disrupted.

Sha Zhixing's results were seriously questioned.

The sound of the shutter clicking sounded like it was going crazy. Sha Zhixing was surrounded by a large group of people, and she was almost pushed down several times. Her face was even colder.

Were they suspecting that Luo Xichen had paid for her results in private?

Shi Qinuo put his arm around her shoulder and wanted to take her to the car, but there were too many people there and they could not squeeze out.

Luo Xichen did not expect such a situation to happen, nor did he expect the reporters to ask such a sharp question. He looked coldly at Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo, who were surrounded by a large group of people, and strode towards her.

The coldness on his face was very strong. His cold eyes were like the most distant stars in the sky, and his aura was cold. Several reporters were shocked by his look and automatically made way for him.

Sha Zhixing came to the two of them and wanted to pull Sha Zhixing into her arms, but she suddenly raised her head.

She looked at the crowd coldly and raised her Chin proudly. "This work has nothing to do with Shi Qinuo or Luo Xichen. I'M RELYING ON MYSELF! "

She looked straight at the crowd when she said this. Her expression was very calm and gave people an unquestionable boldness. The noisy scene immediately quieted down.

Sha Zhixing did not care about many things, but her work was her bottom line. She had worked hard to create, who would want to be slandered like this?

Luo Xichen did not expect her to have such boldness. He was stunned, and the corners of his lips slowly curved up.

"The press conference is now over. Please make way. " Sha Zhixing did not want the relationship between the three of them to become a topic of entertainment for everyone. She did not explain much and walked out of the venue in front of a group of people.

Shi Qinuo was afraid of causing more misunderstandings, so he did not go with her.

Sha Zhixing got into the car alone. When she rolled up the window, she looked at he simu who was in the crowd, her eyes cold.

Why did she expose her and Shi Qinuo's identities on the spot?

Sha Zhixing felt that if she was not too ignorant, then she did it on purpose.

However, no one could predict what kind of questions the reporters would ask. What was the use of her deliberately creating chaos?

The reporters left slowly after she got into the car. Sha Zhixing drove the car for a while and sat in the car waiting for Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen came over after the reporter had left.

He could actually not care less about other people's good judgment and being with her. However, when he thought of the reporter's doubts about the design competition, he held back his impulse.