Chapter 384: Bring Grandpa back

"Aren't there a lot of things you can do at night? You can do it until dawn, " Luo Xichen replied shamelessly, his tone full of mockery.

Sha Zhixing was so embarrassed that her ears were burning.

Is there such a shameless person?

Luo Xichen did not need to look to know the expression on her face. He chuckled and said in a serious tone, "remember to wait for me after work. "

"Okay. " Sha Zhixing smiled and hung up the phone.

In the office not far away from her, he simu looked at her through the glass window. She frowned when she saw the smile on her face when she answered the phone.

Was this a show of affection?

Sha Zhixing did not notice her gaze. She continued to work in her office for a while. When it was time to get off work, she went downstairs with a few female colleagues to wait for Luo Xichen.

The colleague who went downstairs with her happened to have a home in the direction of her home and wanted to go with her. Sha Zhixing thought of Luo Xichen and rejected the man.

The man was puzzled by her rejection and gave her an ambiguous look before he left.

Was the legendary JQ real?

Sha Zhixing was shocked by her look, but she did not show it on her face. She continued to wait for them as if nothing had happened.

Luo Xichen got down a few minutes later. He came to her side and led her to the car.

"I'll take you to a place. " Luo Xichen opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove to a certain direction in the city.

"where are we going? " Sha Zhixing was very curious about their destination. She looked up and her eyes fell on his face with a smile.

"I'm going to do what I can do at night, " Luo Xichen teased her when he thought of their conversation. His eyes were filled with evil.

Sha Zhixing knew that Luo Xichen was teasing her. She did not find anything meaningful in his words. She hit him on the shoulder and sat back in the passenger seat.

They had just gotten off work and neither of them had dinner. Luo Xichen took her to a road by the sea for dinner.

During dinner, he kept urging her to call Luo Yi and ask her to coax him back.

He was the only thing missing from their engagement and wedding ceremony.

There were too many men in the Luo family. Luo Yi did not seem to have much influence over Sha Zhixing. Luo Yi had always liked Sha Zhixing, and a few words from her could make Luo Yi's heart feel as sweet as honey.

Sha Zhixing was pressured by Luo Xichen. She called Luo Yi, but she did not manage to coax him back. Instead, Luo Yi kept asking her to go to Northern Ireland.

After the meal, the two of them kept talking on the overseas phone. In the end, Luo Xichen was afraid that Sha Zhixing would not be able to keep her promise to Luo Yi, so he snatched the phone and ended the conversation.

Although Northern Ireland was good, he preferred to go on his honeymoon after the wedding.

After the meal, the two of them drove to another place, which was by the sea. Sha Zhixing did not know the exact location.

When they arrived, it was more than ten minutes later. Luo Xichen leaned the car against the empty space beside them and opened the car door for her.

Sha Zhixing got out of the car and turned her head. Her eyes fell on the scenery that suddenly appeared in front of them.

They saw a large grassland. Large Patches of four-leaf grass spread out from the road under their feet and spread out on the grassland, forming a beautiful scenery... ...