Chapter 395: I'll do my best to keep you company

His movements were very focused. He kept inhaling and exhaling.

Sha Zhixing did not know whether her wound was poisonous or not. She pushed him, trying to stop him. "Luo Xichen, don't... "

She had wanted him to stop, but Luo Xichen suddenly bit her. She did not know if it was intentional or not.

An electric current ran through the area where Sha Zhixing had been bitten. It spread from her calf all the way up.

"MMM... " Sha Zhixing cried out in surprise when she saw the kiss-like action. However, her voice sounded as if it was... ... that ? ?

Sha Zhixing was shocked by the way she had called Luo Xichen, and her face began to heat up unconsciously.

It was just a bite. Did he have to make it sound like a Moan when he was in love?

Luo xichen smiled faintly and looked up at Sha Zhixing's face. He looked at the uncomfortable red tide under the moonlight and teased her, "Zhixing, have you thought about it? "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing kicked him and said coldly.

"Don't be shy. I've done this before. If you want it, just say it. " Luo Xichen grabbed her ankle and stopped her. "If Miss Sha needs it, I'll do my best to accompany you! "

Sha Zhixing was already embarrassed. His shameless words made her blush.

"Luo Xichen, shut up! " She scolded him and pushed him away. Before she could sit up, Luo xichen pushed her back onto the grass.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? " Sha Zhixing thought that he was going to continue acting like a hooligan. She struggled a few times and her voice was a little angry.

"I'm not done yet. " Luo Xichen looked at her calmly. He held her body with one hand and moved his lips closer to her wound.

He sounded quite serious when he said that. It felt like he was telling the truth. Sha Zhixing almost thought that she had misunderstood him.

However, this thought was crushed by Luo Xichen's next move.

Luo Xichen leaned towards her and pressed her under his body. He buried his head in her body and his lips were already on hers.

She was right. He was acting like a hooligan and doing something improper with a serious tone.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? " Sha Zhixing looked at him expressionlessly and said in a speechless tone.

"Can't you see it? " Luo Xichen looked at her lazily. He lowered his handsome face and his lips fell on her lips again.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened and she wanted to push him away. However, Luo Xichen held her wrist with one hand and did not let her break free. He was a little too strong to restrain her. He was very domineering.

"Let's go back first! " Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her eyes, her voice tinged with anger.

Luo Xichen ignored her. His lips moved down along her forehead, touching her lips for a while before moving down again

He only let go of her slowly after almost kissing her all over.

He pulled her to stand up and helped her tidy up her messy clothes as if nothing had happened. He said casually, "let's go back. "

Sha Zhixing followed behind him stiffly. She was so angry that she wanted to punch him.

He had just done such a shameless thing. How could he act so nonchalant?