Chapter 390 honeymoon

"Let's go to the island! " After his words, Sha Zhixing slightly raised her Red Lips. Her eyes were set on a small island on the opposite side, and she walked in front of him to the ferry.

After arriving, the two of them hired a speedboat to transfer to the small island.

There were not many people on this small island, but it also had hotels and tourism industries. It was just that it was not as developed as many islands for tourism.

There was a long beach opposite c city on the island. Under the moonlight, the silver-white beach extended endlessly. It was hazy and very beautiful.

Zhixing had come here because she thought highly of this beach.

After arriving on the island, they were afraid that they would not be able to return to the city if they were late. So, they found a hotel on the island and booked a room.

Then, they came to the beach.

The Island was very quiet. It was past nine o'clock at this time. It was not very late, but there was no one on the beach.

The night scene on the island was very beautiful. The moon looked brighter than the other places, and the air was cleaner. Sha Zhixing took out a camera from her bag and walked while taking pictures of the two of them.

"Why are you here all of a sudden? " Luo Xichen walked in front of her slowly. He did not look at her behind him. His eyes were on the surface of the sea.

"I like it, " Sha Zhixing replied casually. Her tone was very similar to his usual self, and a little cocky.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly. He stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and looked at her.

Sha Zhixing was busy filming, and she was having fun by herself. She saw his face turn around on the camera, took a few steps back, and came to his side.

"This place is not far from home. What do you say we come here occasionally? " Sha Zhixing smiled. She was in a good mood.

"For a honeymoon? " Luo xichen joked.

The smile on Sha Zhixing's face froze. She turned her head and glared at Luo Xichen. "Come here to have fun! "

"What's so fun here? " Luo Xichen looked down on Sha Zhixing. He turned his head towards her and pulled her face away. He kissed her lips and teased, "I prefer the bedroom at home. "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing gave him a rude word and continued filming. It felt like she was filming a memoir.

She actually quite liked this kind of thing. The adults in her family had helped her and Luo Xichen film when they were young, but they rarely did it after they grew up. The advertisement was the only one of its kind.

The beach was very long. The waves were a little big tonight. The waves would surge onto the beach from time to time, and the sea breeze was very humid.

The two of them did not stay on the beach for long before they found an intersection and went ashore.

This island was much more primitive than the other islands near C city. The tourism development was only a small part of it. Most of the mountains on the island were still in the state of a primitive forest.

The hotel they stayed in was located in the middle of the mountains. They found a place to go up the mountain after they went ashore. They had just walked for a short while when a strange howl suddenly sounded.

The temperature on Sha Zhixing's hands and feet cooled down when she heard the sound.

Luo Xichen's eyes darkened and he looked around coldly.

"HOWL! " There was another howl. The sound was getting closer and clearer.

"Let's go! " Luo Xichen's expression changed slightly. He grabbed Sha Zhixing's hand and wanted to take her to the hotel. However, before he could take a step, a pack of wolves suddenly rushed out from all directions... ...