Chapter 392: Luo Xichen, where are you

The tree branch was ignited by Sha Zhixing and began to burn rapidly. It spread like a fuse through the forest. Soon, Sha Zhixing and the wolves were separated.

Sha Zhixing did not have time to look behind her. She took the opportunity to run in the direction where Luo Xichen had disappeared.

"Luo Xichen! " Sha Zhixing called out as she walked.

She was answered by the sound of the wind and the occasional chirping of insects.

"XICHEN! " Sha Zhixing called out again, looking around as she walked.

There was still no sound of anyone around.

Sha Zhixing stood where she was, staring quietly at the dark night sky. Thinking of the situation when he left, her heart tightened and she started running blindly in the mountains.

"Luo Xichen, where are you? "

She was worried that he could not handle so many wolves alone... ...

"Luo Xichen... "

The Path in the mountains was very dark. Although there was a small path and street lamps, it was not very convenient to walk at night, and there were branches blocking the way from time to time.

Sha Zhixing stumbled along the way. Her arm had been scratched by the branches, and she looked very miserable.

However, after walking for a long time, there was still no news about Luo Xichen.

The most important thing was that she was only looking for him. She did not look at the road at all and seemed to be lost... ...

Staring blankly at the Winding Mountain Path, Sha Zhixing shouted at the top of her voice again, "Luo Xichen! "

The answer she got was an echo from the empty valley.

The excessive silence made Sha Zhixing's heart skip a beat.

She pushed away the branches in front of her and started running again.

"Xichen... "

The sound of howling could be heard again and again in the mountains.

Sha Zhixing had never been here before. After running for a long time, she saw a fork in the road in front of her. She was hesitating where to go when she suddenly heard a shrill howl of a wolf.

The familiar sound made her stop. She turned her head and looked at the source of the sound. She turned her body and ran towards the direction of the howl.

The last location was a meadow. When they arrived, the wolves had all fallen. Luo Xichen was holding a dagger in his hand. His clothes were torn and a few strands of his hair were scattered, covering his forehead. His back was covered by a large patch of moonlight Cold, arrogant, and ruthless.

Sha Zhixing had been worried about him for a long time and had circled the mountain countless times. Now that she suddenly saw him, the joy in her heart suddenly swelled up like a hot balloon.

She ran towards him and bumped into his arms. She hugged him tightly with both arms. "Xichen... "

Sha Zhixing's body was trembling slightly.

Luo Xichen was surprised to see her here. He felt the trembling in his arms and thought of the shocking scene. He put his arms around her stiffly. "Why are you back? "

Sha Zhixing put her arms around his waist and buried her head in his shoulder. She said in a nasal voice, "I'm afraid of the dark when I'm walking on the mountain alone... "

Luo Xichen knew that she was just making up an excuse, but he did not expose her. His heart was touched and he said sarcastically and painfully, "is that all you can do? "

Sha Zhixing ignored him and looked at him quietly. She looked him up and down and did not find any big wounds. Her tensed nerves relaxed a little.