Chapter 397: Rong Xi's plagiarism

The assistant said that a major media outlet in China had found a yellowed photo somewhere today. The photo seemed to be from a long time ago. It was a design drawing The details were 80% similar to the two little guessing series that Rong Xi had just launched.

It was obvious that this work was designed by Sha Zhixing before. That was why the media outlet had covered the matter with a large amount of space and made a series of negative comments about the two little guessing series Sha Zhixing had been deemed to have plagiarized someone else's work!

After that, the assistant went on and on, saying that Sha Zhixing had been reported to have relied on Luo Xichen to get to the top. A lot of negative news was about her.

He spoke in a hurry and seemed to be incoherent. He was obviously shocked as well.

Luo Xichen listened quietly, the coldness in his eyes gathering bit by bit.

He would have no problem with any designer plagiarizing, but to him, Sha Zhixing was absolutely impossible!

They had grown up together. How could he not understand her personality?

How could someone who didn't even care about playing tricks in the competition plagiarize someone else's work?

Luo Xichen thought of three possible scenarios. One was that someone had deliberately framed Sha Zhixing, two was that someone wanted to frame Rong Xi, and three was that someone wanted to use Sha Zhixing's fame to get to the top!

The first scenario was a personal grudge. The second scenario was that the competitors in the business world could not stand Rong Xi's achievements. The third scenario was that someone wanted to use some tricks to become famous!

But if it was the first scenario, who had zhixing offended?

He turned his head slowly and his gaze fell quietly on Sha Zhixing's face on the bed.

Sha Zhixing was indeed very tired tonight. She slept very deeply and her breathing was light and even.

Luo Xichen walked to her side step by step. He remembered what his assistant had just said. He took out his phone and dialed a certain number. He looked at the person on the other end of the phone and ordered coldly, "do everything you can to block all news about Rong Xi for me tomorrow! "

"Alright, I'll deal with it right away! " The person who received his call replied respectfully and seemed to be ready to leave immediately.

Sha Zhixing was still asleep and did not know anything.

The next morning, she woke up later than Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen was standing by the window. His clothes were already well-dressed and he looked very well-dressed. He did not look like the beast who had acted like a hooligan last night.

Sha Zhixing thought of the shocking scene yesterday and her eyes flashed when she looked at Luo Xichen who was standing in front of her.

Luo Xichen sensed her gaze on him and turned his head slowly. He glanced at her behind him and smiled at her. "You're up. "

"when are we going back? " Sha Zhixing got off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash up.

Luo Xichen looked at her back quietly and thought that the negative news about the 1314 series jewelry had been dealt with. He turned to her and said, "when you are ready. "

Sha Zhixing remembered that she had to go to Shi Qinuo's place to study design for a few hours this morning. She washed up and walked out of the bathroom.

When she came out, there was a set of clothes on the bed. It seemed that Luo Xichen had asked the waiter to prepare them.

Both of their clothes from last night were torn and they looked a little disheveled. The clothes on the bed were new and they did not even remove the tags.

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to be so meticulous. She turned her head and looked at him with a mocking look in her eyes. Then, she took the clothes into the bathroom and changed.