Chapter 399 was as aggressive as this

She was bombarded with questions by the reporters. She did not know what to say.

It was not that she did not know what to say, but she did not know what they were talking about.

Luo Xichen looked at the group of people coldly. The coldness in his eyes was unbridled. He pushed away a reporter who was trying to squeeze Sha Zhixing. His voice was so cold that there was no warmth at all. "GET OUT OF THE WAY! "

The reporter was shocked by his coldness. However, when he remembered that there were so many reporters around him, he mustered all his strength and squeezed towards Sha Zhixing.

Although the Luo family's business was huge, the media had to be involved in publicity and marketing. He did not believe that Luo Xichen would dare to break up with the reporter in public.

However, it was obvious that he had made a serious mistake.

Who Was Luo Xichen?

He never cared about people's expressions and he did not care about the consequences.

Just as the reporter's body was about to hit Sha Zhixing, he quickly grabbed the man's wrist and pushed the reporter away.

With one move, the shutter sound around him became even more intense.

How many people in C city could be so tough when competing with the media in public?

"All of you, get lost! " Luo Xichen said coldly. He pushed the crowd away and dragged Sha Zhixing's hand as he strode towards the car that the two of them had parked by the roadside last night.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him. Her footsteps were especially stiff. She would turn her head from time to time and look at the reporters who were taking pictures of her. Her eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

Luo Xichen took her and strode forward. The cold air around him was like ice that had been frozen for thousands of years. A few reporters backed out of the way.

The journey was smooth.

The reporters only came back to their senses when they got into the car and the car had disappeared into the distance.

What did it mean to leave like this?

Acquiescence Nothing to say?

Sha Zhixing also thought of this question after she got into the car. She had done nothing. She did not even know what had happened. She had left without giving any explanation. What would the reporters think of her?

"Xichen, do you know what those reporters are talking about? " Sha Zhixing turned to Luo Xichen and looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

"It's just a bunch of boring gossip. Don't mind too much. I'll investigate this matter when we get back to the company, " Luo Xichen comforted her and drove her in the direction of Rong Xi.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at Rong Xi's office, the entrance was also blocked by a large group of reporters.

He simu stood in the middle of the crowd. It seemed that she had been blocked by a large group of people when she came to the company. She was answering the reporters'questions one by one.

"Everyone, please believe in Rong Xi's standards. The designers who have entered Rong Xi have been selected through layers and layers. Their strength is definitely guaranteed. "

He simu lifted her neck slightly and spoke in a calm tone. She was very calm and composed in the face of the reporters'questions.

She spoke as if she was putting in a good word for Sha Zhixing.

Luo Xichen happened to hear her when he brought Sha Zhixing to the door. He turned to look at her and nodded gently at her.

He simu smiled back at him and continued to look at the group of reporters. "Rong Xi will give everyone an explanation for this incident. Don't worry, everyone. Rong Xi doesn't care about any underhanded methods. "

The restless crowd of reporters quieted down after her words. They saw Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing and wanted to surround them. Before they could rush forward, Luo Xichen had already dragged Sha Zhixing upstairs... ...