Chapter 401: Young Master Luo's promotion

Sha Zhixing was not in a good mood when she thought about what had happened today.

Rong Xi's 1314 jewelry series had been removed from the shelves of all the major stores because of what had happened today. Their sales performance had been severely affected. The loss caused by just one piece of news was extremely tragic.

Luo Xichen had been helping her with the investigation ever since he had entered the office. The first person he had investigated was the first media outlet that had reported on the incident last night. He had found out that the editor-in-chief was the one who had reported the incident, but the other party did not know anything about it He had only received an anonymous letter exposing the incident, but he did not know anything about it after that.

How dare they report on the incident without verifying the news?

Luo Xichen was so angry that he beat that person up, making him cry for his mother and father.

Then, he pulled up the surveillance footage from the newspaper outlet, only to find that the footage had been destroyed.

The clues were cut off here.

To his relief, the news had been completely blocked after he and Wen lan suppressed it.

However, the media had already known so much. Although they did not dare to continue reporting, they did not find any evidence. Sha Zhixing had not been cleared up, and everyone looked at her strangely.

It had been half a day since Sha Zhixing went to Shi Qinuo's place. At noon, Luo Xichen called her. Luo Xichen did not know how she was feeling, but he sounded worried.

However, Sha Zhixing's tone was unexpectedly indifferent. After a few minutes of talking, she said, "Xichen, LET'S HOLD A press conference! "

Luo Xichen was a little confused about her purpose, but he trusted her discretion. He was silent for a moment and did not ask anything. He nodded lightly and said, "okay. "

Luo Xichen had always been very efficient. After the two of them ended the call, a grand press conference was held at the last minute.

The venue was held in the square of Rong Xi building.

At Sha Zhixing's request, many media outlets had been invited, and there were a lot of guests present.

Sha Zhixing walked up to the stage with Luo Xichen accompanying her. When she reached the stage, Luo Xichen automatically stood aside, leaving the venue to her.

Sha Zhixing stood in the middle of the front desk, her cold gaze sweeping across the scene quietly "thank you all for coming, " she said slowly. "This press conference is mainly about answering all the questions in the series. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I will answer them one by one. "

Her tone was calm, and her expression was calm and unhurried. She felt very magnanimous.

This was the first time she had looked a reporter in the eye since she had made a name for herself in the design competition. She had thought a lot this morning. She had not done anything at all. Why was she hiding like a turtle?

The media was in an uproar after that. They had wanted to interview her for a long time, but they had been suppressed by Luo Xichen. Now that she had come forward on her own, this was undoubtedly a huge source of gossip for the reporters.

"Miss Sha Zhixing, may I ask what is your relationship with young Master Luo? "

"Did you spend the night together? "

The reporters'questions were very direct, and they asked surprisingly similar questions one by one.

Sha Zhixing's gaze fell on the crowd quietly. She did not hide it, nor did she think about it. Then, she said, "childhood sweethearts. "

It was a very simple four words, but it was like a time bomb that exploded on the scene with a bang.