Chapter 404: Little Zhixing and Little Xichen

Sha Zhixing was slightly taken aback by the sudden words. She turned her head slowly and glanced at him, her gaze fixed stiffly on the ring on her finger.

The ring on her finger was very simple and crude. It was simply woven into a ring using a stalk of grass. However, the size was very suitable for her finger. The faint green color set off her snow-white skin. It was not as eye-catching as a diamond, but it was very comfortable to look at.

However... ... She was worth the price of a stalk of grass ? ?

Sha Zhixing suddenly felt that she was very cheap.

At the very least, she needed another bouquet of flowers.

Sha Zhixing looked up at the bouquet of flowers in the bride's hands in the church. She looked at Luo Xichen with dissatisfaction. "Why aren't there any flowers? "

Luo Xichen's lips twitched. He turned around and bent down to help her pick the wild flowers one by one.

There were many flowers growing on this side of the flower field. There were wild lilies and some small flowers with unknown names. There were all kinds of flowers. Luo Xichen picked a lot of them, tied them up with grass, and handed them to her.

It was a simple bunch of flowers. Most of them were wild flowers. Only a few of them were lilies. Sha Zhixing thought of a word -- shabby.

However, when she took the flowers, the corners of her lips curled up, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

She felt very satisfied at this time. A bunch of flowers and a stalk of grass could finish her off.

"Miss Sha, can you at least say something? " Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and said with a hint of mockery.

Sha Zhixing looked up at him, took another ring, and carefully helped him put it on.

It was okay. She was cheap, so be it. She was worth a blade of grass, and he was worth a blade of grass. He was worth so much more than her, so it was obvious that he was at a disadvantage.

Luo Xichen's hands were very well-proportioned. His bones were long and slender, and they looked like the most exquisite work of a craftsman. They were very beautiful.

The grass ring was very simple, but on his hand, it was more gorgeous than the most expensive diamond ring.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched. Why did a man have such beautiful hands?

She raised her hand and put it next to his hand. She looked at the ring that was emitting a faint green light under the Sun. She looked at it quietly, and some scenes from her memory suddenly came to mind

On the grass where two rows of rose bushes extended, a couple walked step by step towards the red carpet accompanied by two golden couple. Wherever they passed, flower petals scattered on the ground.

"Brother Luo, what is the bride? " A childish voice sounded in the Wedding Symphony. Soon after, a doll-like delicate face pushed aside the crowd and poked its head out.

"The bride is... " The little boy who was questioned by her was silent for a moment after that After thinking for a moment about the wording, his cold little face slowly turned around. He lowered his eyes and suddenly pinched her face with his fingers. He said calmly, "the bride is always bullied by the groom alone! "

The doll-like little girl seemed to be thinking seriously after his words. Her Bright Eyes were as bright as stars.

Then, her little hand pinched him back like the boy did just now. The corners of her lips curled up, and her eyes were as innocent as a little rabbit. "Like this? "

The boy's face immediately darkened. "Zhixing, you did it on purpose, didn't you? "

"NO WAY! " Little Sha Zhixing retorted with a smile. Her little hand suddenly pointed to the other end of the red carpet. "Look, it's a kiss! "

Luo Xichen:"..."