Chapter 411: Young Master Shao Is Different from the rest

They left the golf club and went to the mall to buy two sets of clothes. Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing changed out of their wet clothes.

Luo Xichen did not care about the people in the shop. He wanted to share a room with Sha Zhixing, but he was pushed out.

They had dinner together. During Dinner, Sha Zhixing turned on her phone and browsed the news about today's press conference online.

In the morning, the 1314 series jewelry had been removed from the shelves because of the negative news about her. It had been more than half a day since the press conference. When she browsed the web, she typed in a keyword, and a series of news popped up It was all about the two little guessing series.

Part of it was about the press conference today. Compared to the skeptical voices from before, the news now was full of sighs. The attitude toward Sha Zhixing had changed from the previous skepticism to the admiration now.

The other part of the news was about the re-launch of the 1314 series. They had also publicized Sha Zhixing's redesigned works at the press conference.

Sha Zhixing looked at the series of positive comments and was happy to show off her phone in front of Luo Xichen.

"Second Young Master Shao, look at me. I've worked so hard. Shouldn't you give me more of the quarterly award, the 1314 performance award, and the annual award? " Sha Zhixing asked calmly.

Luo Xichen looked at the news on his phone and smiled. He replied Lazily, "the whole award is much more valuable than a few awards. I'll give you an unlimited number of credit cards and all the assets in my name. How about it? "

He sounded very lazy when he said that. It was as if he was talking about his daily life. He did not look like a person who was talking about his assets, but there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and replied slowly, "let me think about it. "

Her tone was a little arrogant.

Luo Xichen looked down on her words. He raised the grass ring on his hand and looked at it expressionlessly.

The ring had already been put on for him. What was there to be afraid of?

Mu Siyan's sharp eyes saw the thing on his hand. He glanced at Sha Zhixing's hand and looked at their shabby rings. The corner of his lips twitched a few times.

"Second Young Master Shao is really different! " He sighed and looked at their fingers.

"Of course, " Luo Xichen replied without changing his expression.

Mu Siyan was speechless for a few seconds. He looked at Sha Zhixing sympathetically and said, "you're so easy to convince. You should at least have a few sets of assets under your name. "

"I think so too, " Sha Zhixing replied without blushing. Her tone was very similar to Luo xichen's.

Mo Yichen looked over and added, "plus a nine-figure betrothal gift. "

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and gave him a look that said, "you're so stupid. " She then replied, "actually, I prefer cards. "

Mo Yichen,"..."

"The conditions that Luo Xichen mentioned just now were also very good, " Sha Zhixing said again.

The three of them spoke one after another. Mu Siyan and Mo Yichen laughed at her overly straightforward words.

Luo Xichen's expression was a little twisted as he listened to them openly plan their assets.

Was there such a direct way Are you treating me like I don't exist?