Chapter 424: An intimate group photo

"It's brother Mu! " Little Seaweed exclaimed in surprise when she saw Mu Siyan.

Sha Zhixing was stunned again and turned to look at her. "You know him? "

"Don't you know? " Seaweed smiled with her eyes curved.

"How should I know? " Sha Zhixing was speechless. She stared at Seaweed for a while and frowned suspiciously.

Could it be that this group of people were all together?

Sha Zhixing did not know about the family background of the Hai family. Although Hai Yue and the other two often appeared by her side, they did not mention this matter and she did not ask about it.

However, if she knew Mu Siyan and had such a good relationship with Luo Xichen, the possibility of them being together was very high.

"Seaweed, who else do you know by Xichen's side? " Sha Zhixing looked at her with a smile, trying to get information from her.

"Brother Mo, sister Ning Yu, sister Yiran, brother Kenneth, brother Yafeng... " seaweed said a whole bunch of names in one breath. There were at least dozens of names, and she looked a little excited.

Sha Zhixing knew the first few names, but who and who were the last few names?

Why hadn't she heard of any of them?

The people she had grown up with suddenly had so many names that she was completely unfamiliar with. Sha Zhixing suddenly felt as if she had never truly entered Luo Xichen's world.

Was this related to Luo Xichen's other identity?

"Kelp... " realizing this, Sha Zhixing stroked Kelp's head. The corners of her lips curled up as she continued to coax her. "What else do you know about Xichen? "

"He's brother Xichen's childhood sweetheart, " Kelp said with a smile.

Sha Zhixing choked on her words and her face twitched slightly.

What kind of tone was this girl using?

Kelp smiled and put her arms around her neck, mimicking her movements perfectly. "There's also a photo of brother Xichen and that sister hugging each other so intimately. "

Sha Zhixing looked at her white and Chubby hands and rolled her eyes speechlessly.

This little girl still doesn't know that she and Xichen are childhood sweethearts, right?

Hai Luo had been secretly observing Mu Siyan and Luo Xichen the whole time. She was very focused and seemed to dislike the noise between the two of them. She pushed Kelp's head gently with her hand and said like a little adult, "stupid Kelp, don't interrupt. "

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly. She retracted her attention and looked in the direction of Luo Xichen.

A few minutes later, a few more men came into the restaurant. One of them was held in the middle by a few people. His hands were clasped and he looked a little embarrassed. However, on the way in, the waiter greeted him very respectfully, "young master Hei! "

It was obvious that his identity must be extraordinary.

A group of people brought the man to Mu Siyan and Luo Xichen and nodded respectfully to them. "Young Master Mu, Young Master Luo, I've brought the man! "

Luo Xichen crossed his long legs and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He looked at the man lazily.

Young Master Hei was sweating a little under his gaze, but his back was still straight and unyielding.

Luo Xichen stared at the man for a long time and moved his wrist casually. Suddenly, he stood up and punched the man.

His movements were very fierce and his whole body exuded a murderous aura. Sha Zhixing had rarely seen him like this.

She did not want her child to see this, so she pressed down on seaweed and Hai Luo in a panic and sat back on the Sofa