Chapter 432 young Master Luo was despised

"Isn't that right? " Luo Xichen said in a leisurely tone.

"Shut up! " Sha Zhixing hit him on the shoulder, wanting to spit at him.

"Is there a reward? " Luo Xichen's hand was on her wrist, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Sha Zhixing knew what he was referring to, and her face turned slightly red. She turned her head and looked at the empty door, then stood on her tiptoes and pecked him on the lips.

She wanted to retreat quickly, but Luo Xichen held the back of her head and did not let her back down.

He lifted her face, forcing her face to meet his. He lowered his head, wanting to deepen the kiss. Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the door.

The tip of Luo Xichen's nose was almost touching Sha Zhixing's. Their faces were very close to each other, and their movements froze for two seconds. Sha Zhixing pushed him away and turned around uncomfortably.

An Xin did not hear any movement in the kitchen, so she walked out of the living room. The first thing she saw was Sha Zhixing's slightly red face and Luo Xichen's mischievous smile.

She looked at them quietly and understood immediately.

It seemed that she had come at a bad time.

The Sha family was not traditional in their thinking. She and Sha Nanfeng could actually accept these things. She was actually quite happy to see the progress of the two young people to this extent.

Sha Zhixing glanced at her from the corner of her eyes as if she had just noticed her arrival. She pretended to be surprised and greeted her, "MOM, you're here! "

An Xin did not expose her and cooperated with her. She asked as if nothing had happened, "is everything ready? "

"Yes, everything is ready. " Sha Zhixing nodded and walked towards the dining room with the plates in her hands.

Luo Xichen followed behind her slowly and walked out of the kitchen.

"Mom, do you want to try it? ''ShaaZhixingg handed anXinn a pair of chopsticks and asked her to appraise it.

An Xin picked up a small piece of fish and was about to put it into her mouth when Sha Zhixing added, "it's made by Xichen! "


An Xin choked on her words. She looked at the food as if she was staring at poison and put the chopsticks down in a panic.

She knew better than anyone how honorable second young master Shao had been since he was a child. He had probably only been to the kitchen a few times. How could the food he made be edible?

Sha Zhixing watched her actions and pursed her lips into a smile.

Luo Xichen touched his nose. He felt like he was being looked down upon.

Even if he did not dare to eat, did he have to be so obvious?

This mother-in-law was getting cuter and cuter.

An Xin's expression was a little twisted after hearing Sha Zhixing's words. She looked at the table full of dishes and did not dare to pick up her chopsticks for a long time.

Sha Zhixing had just tasted the food. She sat down in front of her and started eating happily.

She was not picky about her taste. She would have swallowed the news of Luo Xichen's cooking, not to mention whether it was delicious or not.

An Xin remembered that Luo Xichen had never cooked before. She was still worried. She pushed Sha Zhixing away and tried to stop her. "Zhixing, why don't mom cook something that you like? "

She was afraid that she would eat something bad!

Luo Xichen's lips twitched when he heard the blatant disdain.

Was Madam Sha so wary of his cooking?

"Mom, there's no need to go through so much trouble. " Sha Zhixing pulled Luo Xichen to sit beside her. She took some food from her plate with a fork and put it on an Xin's plate. "Try it first? ''