Chapter 434: enjoyment

Luo Xichen did not notice Wen lan's reaction. He turned his head and said something to Sha Zhixing. He still held her in his arms. The two of them were in a very intimate position and they would smile from time to time.

He did not like to smile. Wen Lan had never seen him smile many times since she was a child, except when he was with Sha Zhixing.

His smile was very light and gentle like a spring breeze. His eyes were shining and he looked very good when he smiled.

However, Wen Lan's eyes hurt when she saw his smile.

Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing chatted for a long time. He suddenly looked up and looked at Wen lan. "Mom, call dad to come home tonight. Make some time to have dinner with Uncle Sha and Auntie an Xin. "

Wen Lan was a little surprised by his words.

Did he have any special plans for the two families to get together tonight?

That was not what Sha Zhixing was talking about. She was a little surprised to hear him say that. However, if the two families were to be together, it was necessary for the elders of the two families to get together.

Even though the people of the two families were very familiar with each other, some etiquette was still necessary.

Wen Lan did not come back to her senses for a long time after Luo Xichen's words. When Luo Xichen's voice sounded again, "it's getting late. Mom, take a break for lunch first. Dad will inform you later! "

After saying that, she held Sha Zhixing's hand and walked upstairs.

Sha Zhixing followed behind Luo Xichen and walked up the spiral staircase. She turned her head and looked at Wen lan quietly.

Wen Lan seemed to be thinking about something. There was no expression on her face, but she seemed to be in a daze. She did not react to Luo Xichen's words.

Sha Zhixing looked at her quietly. She thought of the expression on her face when the two of them entered the room and frowned slightly.

She suddenly realized that she did not understand the elder in front of her, whom she had been familiar with for nineteen years... ...

Luo Xichen took Sha Zhixing upstairs, kicked open the door, and went straight to his room.

He had not stayed in his room since he was with Sha Zhixing. Even when the two of them returned home, they usually stayed at her place.

However, Wen Lan would ask the servants to help him tidy up his room every day. The large suite was spotless and everything was arranged neatly, just like when he was still alive.

Luo Xichen entered the room and pushed her onto the bed. He put his long arms around her and pulled her into his arms. His posture was very domineering.

Sha Zhixing could not stand him any longer and pushed his arm away.

Luo Xichen ignored her movements and turned his body to the side. He even laid his head on her body shamelessly.

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed by his actions.

He sure knows how to enjoy himself.

"Get up! " Sha Zhixing reminded him expressionlessly as she pushed his head away.

"SHH, don't make any noise, " Luo Xichen replied calmly. He remained in a flat position and closed his eyes. His head was still resting on her stomach.

"Luo Xichen, I said get up! " Sha Zhixing could not stand the intimacy and pinched his waist.

What did he take her for A pillow at night and a pillow during the day?

Although the two of them had done this before, Sha Zhixing found it strange.

"I'll rest for half an hour. " Luo Xichen's voice sounded a little tired. He turned his body lazily and did not even lift his eyelids.