Chapter 448: An earth-shattering accident

Sha Zhixing had stayed at Shi Qinuo's place for a day. Luo Xichen had gone to pick her up when she returned.

Second Young Master Shao had been very attentive as a chauffeur for the past two days. Sha Zhixing was a little flattered by his thoughtfulness.

She had just entered the house when an Xin came to her side with a desk calendar in her hand excitedly. She said casually, "Zhixing, you're back. Mom and dad have been busy all day discussing your engagement. We've finally chosen a good day. It's three days later. Mom has shown you that it's suitable for marriage and weddings. Everything is very suitable. We also called the hotel in the afternoon. Take a good rest for the next two days and don't go to the office. Although it's only an engagement, you have to look beautiful on that day, okay? "

An Xin was in a good mood. She kept talking, as if she was afraid that Sha Zhixing wouldn't be able to hear her clearly. She even slowed down her pace on purpose.

Sha Zhixing's head was buzzing after hearing her first two sentences. She looked at her and turned stiffly to look at Luo Xichen, who had followed her into the house.

She knew that he was a straightforward person, but she did not expect him to be so fast!

Luo Xichen came to her side slowly. He looked at her surprised face and curled his thin lips.

"Do you like the accident that I gave you? " He raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a teasing tone.

"GO TO HELL! " Sha Zhixing glared at him and threw him two words. Then, she turned and walked upstairs.

An Xin looked at this and then at that, and finally looked at Luo Xichen. "What's wrong with Zhixing? "

"She's shy, " Luo Xichen said calmly, and followed Sha Zhixing upstairs.

An Xin's lips twitched. Although she could guess from Sha Zhixing's expression that it was not like what Luo Xichen had said, she did not care too much about it.

The two of them had already developed to this point, how could zhixing break off the engagement?

An Xin sat back on the SOFA calmly, made a cup of tea, and continued to chat with Sha Nanfeng.

Luo Xichen went upstairs casually. When he reached the room, Sha Zhixing was drawing with her back to him. The tip of her pen was swishing across the paper. She was drawing something and after a few strokes, she crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

She had this habit when she was in a bad mood. She would randomly draw something on the paper that she could not understand, and then she would crumple the paper into a ball and throw it aside in frustration.

Luo Xichen knew this about her. He knew that she seemed a little unhappy. He furrowed his brows and walked towards her step by step.

"What's wrong? " He asked as he sat down on the chair next to her.

Sha Zhixing did not even look up. She continued to draw, ignoring him.

Luo Xichen looked at her and reflected on himself for a few seconds.

Then, he asked, "is the time too fast? "

Sha Zhixing continued to draw without even looking up.

Luo Xichen continued, "if that's the case, you don't have to worry about it. Three days is enough for my mother and your mother to settle an engagement party! "


Sha Zhixing's hand that was holding the brush trembled a little, and the tip of the brush let out a small snapping sound. The drawing stopped immediately after his words