Chapter 460: Save Me, Zhang Xichen

The three men's expressions changed when they saw Luo Xichen's name on the screen.

The two men were nervous, and Sha Zhixing had disrupted her escape plan because of the sudden incident.

"BRING THE PHONE HERE! " One of the men ordered coldly after a brief moment of panic.

Sha Zhixing held the phone tightly in her hand and glanced at the slowed scenery outside the car window from the corner of her eye. She then looked at the phone screen and did not follow his order.

"bring it here! " The man who had just spoken shouted at her. He stood up and tried to snatch the phone from her, but Sha Zhixing's body suddenly slammed into the car door and she rolled out of the car.

She did not hesitate at all when she did this. Her movements were very fast and the two men in the car were stunned.

This girl doesn't want to live anymore!

When Sha Zhixing fell to the ground, her arms touched the rough ground. Her skin was hurting from the friction. Her knees and legs were also hurt. There were a lot of injuries due to this movement, but she did not have time to check.

"Xichen, save me. Anderson Street! " She pressed Luo Xichen's phone and gave a simple address. Sha Zhixing did not hang up the phone. Instead, she took the phone and ran in the opposite direction from the two men.

The two men did not expect her to be so stupid just a moment ago. They looked at each other and shot her in the direction of the gun.

They did not dare to hurt anyone. Their aim was to scare her.

Sha Zhixing covered her ears and ran in front of them without looking back. She did not stop despite the sound of gunshots behind her.

She did not believe that two people who could make her stomach hurt would really kill her. However, she was not sure if they would dare to hurt her.

On the other end of the phone, Luo Xichen heard the gunshots ringing in his ears. His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He turned the car around and drove the white sports car towards Anderson Street.

Sha Zhixing was running alone on the street. The gunshots behind her were still ringing. Every shot was shot very close to her.

There were a lot of people on the street, but almost no one dared to help her in such a dangerous situation.

Sha Zhixing was wearing a formal dress before she left the house. It was very inconvenient for her to run. She could not walk properly. In addition, she was wearing a pair of high heels, which affected her speed even more.

She fell several times in the middle of the road, and there were many wounds on her body. She was in a sorry state.

After running for a short distance, she took off her shoes and threw them aside.

Behind her, the two men were still chasing her. They were stopped by the crowd a few times, which hindered their speed.

Sha Zhixing couldn't run anymore. She looked around in a panic and walked to the side of the road. She wanted to stop a car at random to get in, but a sports car stopped in front of her.

The window was lowered, and she saw the face of the man in the car. Sha Zhixing's eyes suddenly lit up. "Qino! "

Shi Qinuo had rushed here after talking to Luo Xichen on the phone. He had found her using the GPS, so he had arrived here faster than Luo Xichen.

His dark eyes first glanced at her in a sorry state. His eyes darkened, and he suddenly looked at the two men.

"Wait for me in the car. " Pushing her into the car, Shi qinuo narrowed his eyes slightly. He rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the two men step by step