Chapter 481: The wounded man's mouth

The corners of her lips curled up, and she spoke in a neutral tone. Her eyes were bright, and she looked harmless. If not for the sarcasm in her words, Luo Xichen would have thought about what he had just done.

"Isn't the wounded man's mouth right? " Luo Xichen said slowly, and added, "it's convenient to rub them round and flat. "

After saying that, he glanced at her waist, and even pinched her hand on purpose.

"Luo Xichen, YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! " Sha Zhixing was ticklish. She shivered and pushed Luo Xichen's hand away in disgust. She pushed him towards the bathroom and said, "go take a shower! "

Luo Xichen chuckled and sniffed at his clothes, which had a faint smell of wine on them. He did not continue to make a fuss and turned to go to the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing Lay on the SOFA and found Luo Xichen's phone. She slowly looked at the photos inside.

There were a lot of photos inside. Some were taken by him and her in the past, and some were taken today. Some were taken by two people, and some were taken with friends today.

Most of them were pictures of Mo Yichen and his group, and each of them took turns to take a picture with Sha Zhixing, saying that they would use it to blackmail Luo Xichen in the future.

The group of people did not mean any harm, and they were all very fun. Sha Zhixing was very satisfied with his friend.

When she was halfway through the picture, Luo Xichen's phone suddenly rang. She glanced at the name on the caller ID, and Sha Zhixing's face stiffened. She stopped all her actions.

The call was from Grandfather Luo. He had not attended the engagement party, but he had called at this time. She was a little surprised.

She looked at the time on her phone. It was already past eleven o'clock.

Why was he calling at this time?

Sha Zhixing did not know what Wen lan had told grandfather Luo, or if she had not told grandfather anything about the two of them. After thinking about it, she decided to deal with it herself when Luo Xichen came out.

Moreover, if grandfather Luo did not know about the two of them, she would still be by Luo Xichen's side at this time. She would even help him answer the phone. It was impossible not to think too much about it.

An Xin and Luo Enqi could accept the fact that the two of them lived together before marriage, but it did not mean that the old man would agree to it.

After some consideration, Sha Zhixing did not continue to pay attention to the phone call.

The ringtone rang for a long time. It was probably because no one picked up and the phone hung up automatically.

At the same time, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

Sha Zhixing took her phone and wanted to go to the bathroom to ask Luo Xichen to call the old man back. Before she could do anything, her phone suddenly rang.

It was still from Northern Ireland.

She had called Luo Xichen, but he did not pick up. Now, he was calling her, which made Sha Zhixing even more confused.

What was so urgent about grandfather?

Sha Zhixing was very confused. She picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Grandfather... " Sha Zhixing answered the phone. She did not know the purpose of Luo Yi's call, so she did not speak immediately. Instead, she waited for him to speak first.

However, the voice that answered her was not Luo Yi's, but the voice of the Butler in the villa.

"Miss Zhixing! " The Butler first greeted her respectfully, then said in a serious tone, "master asked me to call you and second young master to inform them that the old master will return to the country with Young Master Rong Ci in Twenty Days! "