Chapter 474: Sweet Blessings

A Swiss army knife suddenly flew straight towards him.

Qing Yafeng's expression changed slightly. He held Sha Zhixing in his arms and dodged his attack in a panic. He stood aside and panted, still in shock.

F * Ck, he's serious about this!

Luo Xichen walked up to him unhurriedly. He stretched out his arm and pulled Sha Zhixing into his arms. He said casually, "if you want to play, go find yourself a woman to play with! "

After saying that, he sat down on the Sofa next to him with Sha Zhixing expressionless.

Qing Yafeng was speechless at his words. He took a glass of wine from the waiter and downed it in one gulp. He threw the glass in his hand away and returned to the crowd.

The people that Luo Xichen knew were basically the same as Mo Yichen. They had their own principles. They could joke around and play with each other without restraint. However, they would never covet the wives of their friends!

Qing Yafeng was the same. He was dancing with Sha Zhixing just to play a joke on her.

Luo Xichen knew this in his heart. He wouldn't get angry even if he was angry, so he just threw the saber casually.

If he was really angry, he would just... ... Kill her in one move ! !

"Don't you have anything else to do? " Sha Zhixing was surprised that he was so free to sit here with her, with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"No rush. " Luo Xichen's arm was around her shoulder, and his words were casual.

If he really left, he was worried that she would be ruined by a group of people.

It was obvious that Luo Xichen had underestimated Sha Zhixing's nature.

If someone really dared to play with her, she would definitely change from being passive to actively playing with others.

Just like when Mo Yichen and she had first met, she had been teased instead of being teased.

"Let's go. If you want to be busy, go ahead! " Sha Zhixing pushed him to stand up, afraid that she would delay his other matters.

"You really don't need me to accompany you? " Luo Xichen was a little surprised by her words.

"No need! " Sha Zhixing smiled and shook her head slightly.

Luo Xichen thought to himself that even if he was busy, he would still be nearby. He would be able to keep an eye on her at all times. There were so many people at the scene. It was impossible for anything to happen, so he left her alone.

Sha Zhixing Sat alone on the SOFA. Bored, she took a cocktail from the waiter and gently shook the blue liquid inside. Her eyes darkened when she thought of being taken away in the afternoon.

Shi Qinuo walked past her. He did not intend to greet her, but Sha Zhixing looked up and saw him after a few steps.

"Master, where have you been? I haven't seen you all afternoon. " Sha Zhixing asked with a smile.

"nowhere. " Shi Qinuo answered her lightly and slowly walked to her side.

Sha Zhixing took another glass of wine from the waiter's hand and handed it to him. She even added teasingly, "master, please enjoy your drink. "

The corner of Shi Qinuo's lips twitched, but he didn't refuse.

Sha Zhixing took a high-strength cocktail with a very beautiful Chinese name -- Sweet Blessing.

She just took it casually. When Shi Qinuo took the glass from her hand, he was slightly stunned.

Then, he took the glass and clinked it with her Blue Margarita. Slowly, he said, "from now on, you have to be as happy as today. "

Sha Zhixing raised the glass in her hand and smiled. "Master, you will be the same after you return to China. "