Chapter 478 romance between two people

There were also a few young men around them who were hitting something like a flower stick. Suddenly, sparks flew everywhere. The meteors were like a waterfall, and the trees and the silver flowers were dazzling.

This was the first time Sha Zhixing had seen such a scene. It was different from the fireworks. It was more magnificent, more magnificent, and more dreamy.

Seeing that she seemed interested, Luo Xichen slowly parked the car on the side of the road closest to the beach.

Then, he leaned against the back of the driver's seat and watched.

Sha Zhixing was more direct than him. She opened the car door, got out of the car, and ran to the beach. Then, she said something to the young men, and one of them took the initiative to pass her the flower stick in his hand.

He was a little attentive.

Luo Xichen's lips could not help but twitch as he looked at her from the car.

Was she trying to strike up a conversation with another man in front of him?

Sha Zhixing did not even look at him. She took the flower stick, and her target was Luo Xichen. She mimicked the actions of the young men and threw the iron flower on the stick

With one move, the sky made a "PA" sound. Then, the dark night was filled with stars. It was a beautiful scene.

The place where the flower fell was... ... Luo Xichen ...

Luo Xichen was caught off guard. A few sparks fell on his clothes. It did not hurt, but he did feel it.

Sha Zhixing stood on the beach and looked at him in a sorry state. She smiled smugly.

Luo Xichen's face darkened. He glanced at her, closed the car door with a "PA" , and strode towards the beach.

His steps were steady, with a hint of boldness. He stared at her, his eyes full of malicious intent.

Sha Zhixing had goosebumps on her hands as he stared at her. She took another flower stick and waved it in his direction. A large patch of stars fell down. This time, it was directly in front of Luo Xichen.

This was Sha Zhixing's first time playing this game, but every hit was accurate. Her skill level could be said to be top-notch.

Luo Xichen was separated by sparks from one of her movements, and he seemed to be shrouded in a dreamy starlight.

The scene was so beautiful that it was intoxicating. It was beautiful, romantic, and dreamy. It was not enough to describe the situation at the moment, except for that dark face... ...

The corner of Sha Zhixing's lips twitched as she watched him get closer and closer. She turned and ran in the opposite direction.

However, she had not run far when she heard a "whoosh" above her head. Then, sparks flew in all directions in the night sky.

However, the target was in her direction.

The scene was so beautiful that she could not bear to look at it.

However, when the sparks landed on her body, it was obviously not a good feeling. It was as if she had been pricked by a needle. Sha Zhixing gritted her teeth in pain.

Her skin was very good to begin with. Naturally, it was more tender than Luo Xichen's. The pain was even stronger than his.

She turned her head and glared at the person behind her. "Luo Xichen, you're so hateful! "

She should have been angry, but Luo Xichen sounded like she was pouting.

"How did you play with others just now? " Luo Xichen handed the flower stick to a young man beside him and walked towards her.

Sha Zhixing saw that something was wrong and wanted to run away, but Luo Xichen was one step ahead of her and blocked her way