Chapter 485: My turn

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with the name. He let go of Sha Zhixing, got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with the phone in his hand.

"What's the matter? " The voice was deep and emotionless.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be stunned when he heard his voice. He did not speak for a long time.

"SPEAK! " Luo Xichen's tone was slightly impatient.

The person on the other end of the phone came back to his senses when he heard the two words. He kept accompanying Luo Xichen "Is it young Master Luo? " "I'm sorry to bother you so late at night. The thing is, Young Madam's kidnapping case this afternoon required her to cooperate with the investigation. The police officer in charge of the case called her during the day, but no one picked up the phone. We know it's presumptuous to call at this time, but we have to solve the case. So, Young Master Luo... ". ... ..

The man was very polite and tactful. He kept asking for Luo Xichen's opinion.

In fact, the police officer who called did not expect Luo Xichen to answer the phone. It was already troublesome enough to provoke the future young mistress of the Luo family. Now, even Luo Xichen was involved They were so nervous that they did not know what to do about the case.

Such a serious incident had happened. The victim had to take a statement!

Previously, the group was struggling with how to invite Sha Zhixing. Now, with Luo Xichen, who had the ability to invite this second-generation heir to drink tea?

The police officer on the phone felt extremely melancholic after hearing Luo Xichen's voice.

What made him even more melancholic was that after hearing his words, Luo Xichen immediately replied without thinking, "She's asleep, let me do it! "

His words were very casual, but the police officer's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

Second Young Master Shao, this was a case, a case!

If the person involved did not come, what use would he be?

What puzzled him the most was that the reason why Sha Zhixing could not come was actually... She had fallen asleep ...

The police officer in charge of informing Luo Xichen was a little nervous after hearing his words, but he did not dare to make any comments.

Luo Xichen glanced at Sha Zhixing, who was lying quietly on the bed. He got up, changed his clothes, and left the room quietly.

Half an hour later, the white Lamborghini stopped at the police station.

Luo Xichen was led into a room as soon as he arrived. Someone made him a cup of hot tea. Within two minutes, the head of the police station followed him.

Luo Xichen told Luo Xichen about the incident that afternoon when he had forced Sha Zhixing to confess to the two young men who had taken her hostage, but he did not get anything out of them.

Luo Xichen listened quietly and did not make any comments. He did not stand up until he had heard everything. He said expressionlessly, "bring me to the two men. "

The police officer nodded. A few minutes later, he led the two men in and sat down opposite Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen's cold eyes swept over the two men. His thin lips pursed into a cold smile. He asked very directly, "who ordered this? "

The two men looked at him without saying a word.

"Who ordered this? " The cold voice rang out again.

His voice was chilling. As he opened his mouth to speak, it was as if a layer of ice had suddenly enveloped the surroundings.