Chapter 492. The second young master was once again abused

Most people in the company did not know that the two of them were engaged. However, seeing the two of them going in and out together all day long, many people's bets on the future young Madam Luo instantly shifted from He Simu to Sha Zhixing.

The reason was that Sha Zhixing was younger and seemed to have more potential at the moment.

Sha Zhixing herself did not mind being deliberately hidden from the public about the engagement. This made her more casual in her work. She did not want to come up with another work when the time came, but people would think that it was an unspoken rule or that she relied on her connections to get to the top.

In the morning, Sha Zhixing thought of Shi Qinuo, who might leave. She did not know what gift to give him, so she drew a design on her desk.

The design was a watch. She rarely gave men anything, not even Luo Xichen. She did not know what to give him.

After drawing the design, Sha Zhixing was very satisfied. She showed it off to Luo Xichen in the afternoon, but he confiscated it without saying a word.

She had a good reason. "You haven't given me anything since I was a child. I accept this gift. "

She Patted Sha Zhixing on the shoulder and added, "don't worry, I'll try my best to keep the gift from my consort, no matter how shabby it is. "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and poured cold water on him. "This is not for you! "

She raised her hand and wanted to snatch the design, but Luo Xichen raised his long arm and easily avoided her hand.

"For who? " He raised the design in his hand and glanced at it.

Without waiting for her reply, he added, "I'll confiscate the man and keep the woman for the time being. "

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly. She glanced at Luo Xichen and said sarcastically, "do you know how to spell shame? "

"Don't you know best whether I know it or not? " Luo Xichen smiled, his eyes full of evil.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched slightly. She did not even bother to pay attention to him. She opened the lunchbox and started eating.

She did not bother with the design. He could just take it. She rarely gave him anything. Sha Zhixing did not really care.

Sha Zhixing had made a lot of lunchboxes today. They were all seafood. Although it was a home-cooked meal, the fragrance of the lunchboxes could be smelled in the whole office as soon as they were opened.

Luo Xichen's Bento was very simple. The reason was that his taste was light. In addition, he had been toasted a lot at the engagement party yesterday. Vegetables were the most suitable for him.

Luo Xichen's expression was a little twisted when he saw the two Bento boxes.

She was really good to him!

"Here, a stomach-nourishing recipe. " Sha Zhixing put the Shabby Bento box in his hand. Her eyes were full of smiles.

The veins on Luo xichen's forehead were throbbing faintly.

It would have been fine if he hadn't seen her Bento, but now that he had seen hers and seen what she had prepared for him, his mood... ...

Was this girl torturing him on purpose?

Sha Zhixing did not care about his dark expression. She held her chopsticks and was about to eat her lunch when a hand snatched the box from under her nose.

Sha Zhixing stared at Luo Xichen's hand that was waving in front of her eyes. Her expression was very sad.

"Give me back my lunch! "

Luo Xichen pretended not to hear her. He looked at her leisurely and took the chopsticks from her hand as well... ...