Chapter 504 Second Young Master Shao

Sha Zhixing was shocked by his sudden action. She did not care what he was going to do next, and put her hand between them to stop him.

Luo Xichen was very disdainful of her action. He grabbed her wrist with one hand and pushed her hand away. He held her waist with one hand, raised his phone, and said Lazily, "Miss Sha, show me your signature smile. "

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to do this. She smiled and replied, "get lost! "

Her smile was very shallow and very stiff. She was speechless by his actions.

Luo Xichen pressed her face against his and took the opportunity to press the shortcut button on his phone. He caught a photo of the two of them together.

In the photo, his face was very close to hers. One of them had a faint smile on his lips while the other had a smile that was uglier than crying.

Luo xichen seemed to be quite satisfied with the photo. He swiped his fingers on the screen and clicked into an image processing software.

Sha Zhixing knew what he was going to do. She stood on her tiptoes and tried to grab his phone to destroy the evidence. However, Luo Xichen raised his hand and avoided her.

He turned his back to her and processed the picture a few times. He smiled in satisfaction.

Sha Zhixing stood behind him and looked over his shoulder at his phone screen. Her expression was a little twisted.

Luo xichen processed the picture on the screen. He did not process anything on his own. It was still the same face that could be blindingly handsome without any modification On the other hand, he photoshopped Sha Zhixing's face into a picture that was even more comical than his Manga. Her lower body was a Manga version, and her head was a real photo of her. However, there was an extra mustache on her face.

The mustache was very comical and formed two arcs. The photoshopped face was not ugly on her face, but it was very funny. It was even very cute.

Sha Zhixing was shocked by her own photo. She stabbed Luo Xichen with her elbow and took his phone while he was in pain.

Sha Zhixing reacted very quickly when she did these actions, and her actions were a little fierce.

She wanted to delete all the photos, but before she could do anything, Luo Xichen snatched her phone back.

His fingertips tapped something on the screen again, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

When Sha Zhixing looked at his phone screen again, the photo on it had been replaced with hers.

Sha Zhixing was shocked by his actions.

She could not believe that he had such a childish side to him!

Luo Xichen was very satisfied with his masterpiece. An arm hooked around her shoulder. He admired the photo on the phone as he led her to the bedroom.

The next day was Saturday. There was no need to go to the office.

Luo Xichen mentioned the wedding dress yesterday. The next afternoon, a guest came to the castle. Sha Zhixing did not know him. He was a very handsome foreign man.

As soon as the man entered the house, Luo xichen spoke a lot of Italian to him in a language that Sha Zhixing could not understand.

Sha Zhixing despised his fluency.

She could not tell that he was talented in all aspects.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her. He smiled at her. Then, he lowered his head and said a few words to the maids beside him. A group of maids then walked towards Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing was a little confused as she did not understand their intentions.