Chapter 523. Can we go back

She walked towards Sha Zhixing with her slender legs, her arms around her waist, and slowly tightened them. She rested her Chin on Sha Zhixing's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Zhixing... "

Sha Zhixing stopped what she was doing and looked at Luo Xichen from the corner of her eyes.

Luo Xichen locked his eyes on Sha Zhixing and said slowly, "it doesn't matter how other people create chaos, but I don't want our lives to be disturbed. Can we go back? "

Sha Zhixing looked up and scanned his face inch by inch. She just looked at him and did not say anything.

Her eyes were very calm and no one could guess what she was thinking.

Luo Xichen had said what he needed to say and done what he needed to do. He took her silence as hesitation. He thought about it and felt that he should give her some privacy.

"There are still a lot of things that I have to deal with. I'll go back first. If you want to come back, give me a call. I'll come and pick you up. " Luo Xichen thought about the things that he had left behind after he left. He turned and walked out of the House.

Now that he knew that she was here, he had made his attitude towards yesterday's incident very clear. He was not worried that she would continue to avoid him.

Sha Zhixing was not someone who was unreasonable. He knew what he said and she had listened to him.

If it still did not work out, he would come back at night.

After leaving the kitchen, Luo Xichen took out his phone and called his assistant. The wording of the call was very simple. "Pick me up on the island across the city in half an hour. "

"Oh my, young master, your call has finally been connected. If there is no news, everyone will look for you too! " The assistant teased as he heard Luo Xichen return to his normal tone and guessed that Sha Zhixing might have already been found.

"GET LOST! " Luo Xichen said coldly. He hung up the phone and turned to leave the room. Behind him, Sha Zhixing's voice suddenly sounded. "Aren't you going to eat lunch? "

Luo Xichen stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at her quietly. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Was she concerned about him?

Sha Zhixing glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and said, "if you continue to trample on other people's efforts like this in the future, let the servants cook all three meals! "

The corners of Luo Xichen's lips curled up. He walked over, took the plate from her hand, and came to the dining table. He sat down on the chair and began to cut with a knife and fork.

"I like the dishes made by Miss Sha better than the ones made by the servants, " he said slowly

Then, he looked at her and added, "although the dishes are not good and the skills are too poor, I can still accept it. "

He did not like what he said, but his lips were still curled up as he said this. There was a hint of joy in his tone, and he even looked a little satisfied.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched after he said this. She came to his side and wanted to sit in her seat, but Luo Xichen stretched out his long arm and pulled her into his arms. He pressed her onto his lap and held the back of her head with one hand His cold, thin lips kissed her lips deeply... ...

"Zhixing, don't disappear again... " he said in a low voice

His voice was a little bitter. He had been up all night and had not rested yet. His voice was still a little hoarse when he spoke. It sounded sexy and seductive... ...