Chapter 536: Being teased

Sha Zhixing did not understand him.

Wasn't he just wearing a pair of shorts Was there a need for that?

Was it because of his possessiveness?

"Do what you want to do! " Luo Xichen enunciated each word, his eyes filled with evil. He came to the SOFA, threw her up, and reached for the Hem of her t-shirt.

"Don't... don't do this... " Sha Zhixing was a little shocked by his action. She held his hand and tried to stop him in a panic ...

The two of them were about to get married, but it was so early in the morning. Why were they so passionate?

Luo Xichen ignored her and grabbed her t-shirt.

"Luo... Luo Xichen... don't... " Sha Zhixing's face was as red as a ripe apple. She pressed her hands against his chest and tried to push him away ...

Her movements were very messy. She even kicked him a few times. Her palm-sized face was full of nervousness.

"Can't you just be obedient earlier? " Luo Xichen observed her reaction. He stopped his hand slowly and patted her cheek. He sounded like he was comforting her, but his tone... ...

Sha Zhixing hated his tone. It made her feel like his little pet. She looked at his hand and wanted to wave it away, but Luo Xichen suddenly raised his hand. This time, he did not even give her time to react.. The sound of Silk Breaking rang in the room

"BASTARD! Bastard! " Sha Zhixing screamed. She tried to protect herself, but a loose shirt fell on her head and covered her body.

The loose shirt was a few sizes bigger than Sha Zhixing's own. It was Luo Xichen's.

"Wear this today, " Luo Xichen said casually. He stood up and retreated to the side.

Sha Zhixing was stunned by what he said.

He had just done so many things that looked like he was flirting with her just to help her change her clothes?

Sha Zhixing felt that she was being seriously teased. However, she did not say anything, even though she was full of complaints.

She looked at the clothes that he had just thrown at her and put it on herself in a panic.

Luo xichen's clothes were very loose and big.

He had wanted her to wear his clothes. He had wanted her to be wrapped tightly so that few people would covet her on the road. However, the effect of wearing this on Sha Zhixing... ...

Luo xichen stared at Sha Zhixing for a long time after she had finished putting on her clothes. He did not say a word for a long time.

Sha Zhixing was tidying up her clothes. His clothes were too big for her. They were loose and baggy, revealing a large part of her shoulders. Although her legs were not as exposed as before, she had a wild charm about her She did not feel this way when she was wearing women's clothes.

If her clothes were cheeky, his clothes were wild.

The effect was even more exciting than before.

Sha Zhixing did not look at herself in the mirror. She did not know what effect it would have on her. She turned around and wanted to walk out of the house, but Luo Xichen suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong now? " Sha Zhixing was confused by his behavior. Her eyebrows furrowed.

Luo Xichen did not say anything. He carried her into the House, bent over, and kissed her randomly. He found a long dress and stuffed it into her hands. His voice was deep and Hoarse. "Put this on... "