Chapter 540: Miss Sha's sudden whim

After handing the things to Sha Zhixing, Wen Lan reminded her of a few things and left the two of them to have dinner at home.

After dinner, Luo Xichen thought that he had a lot of things to deal with and wanted to go back early.

Wen Lan walked the two of them out of the door and watched them get into the car. Just as Luo Xichen was about to start the car, she suddenly called out to him, "Xichen... "

Luo Xichen turned his head after her words and looked at her slowly.

Wen Lan stood at the entrance of the Luo family's house. Her face was a little hazy in the night. She watched the two of them quietly for a while before she walked to Luo Xichen's car step by step. Her expression was unusually serious "Xichen, I just want to let you know one thing. As long as you are sure of something, I will support you, whether it is a person or a matter! "

Luo Xichen was taken aback by her words. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her quietly. He observed her expression without batting an eyelid and read her every expression carefully. He frowned slightly.

Wen Lan had never been someone who would put on an act in front of him. She spoke very seriously now. He believed her at this time.

He also understood what she meant. She meant that as long as he wanted to be with Zhixing, she would support them!

Was this the reason why she passed on the jewelry that represented the identity of the young Madam of the Luo family to Zhixing?

However, since today had come to this, why did she stop him before the engagement ceremony?

"I understand, " Luo Xichen replied faintly and started the car slowly.

The white sports car sped away and disappeared into the night sky.

The next day, Luo xichen hired a group of people to take the wedding photos according to Wen Lan's suggestion.

Sha Zhixing was woken up early in the morning by the maid. She had to go through a series of tasks, including styling, fitting, and makeup.

The men were usually more relaxed when taking wedding photos, while the women were very tired. It took them half a day to put on their makeup.

Luo Xichen stood aside and watched as Sha Zhixing was surrounded by a few makeup artists.

Sha Zhixing did not like complicated matters. She looked through the mirror at her overly delicate makeup, and then at her hairstyle, which had not been done by the stylists for a long time. She suddenly stopped them "Stop for a moment! "

"Miss Zhixing, what's wrong? " The makeup artist who was in charge of styling her asked in confusion.

Sha Zhixing took off the hairpin that was still fixed to her hair and looked at her long hair casually to make it look more fluffy and natural. She stood beside Luo Xichen and smiled "Xichen, how boring it would be if we had a white dress and a suit for the wedding photo! Let's change to something new! "

"How do you want to shoot it? " Luo Xichen did not care about such things at all. In his opinion, as long as the people in the photo were him and her, anything else was fine.

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and said, "how about we shoot a wedding dress in the style of the 1314 series jewelry advertisement? The hair is slightly messy, the eyes are hazy, natural, fresh, clean, and a little lazy when you wake up in the morning. What do you think? "

The lips of the stylists accompanying her twitched violently after she said that.

Miss, please, this is a wedding dress A WEDDING DRESS! ! !

What is she trying to do with her hair that is facing the sky?