Chapter 549: Zhixing, I'm back

She had said a lot of things, and Luo Xichen was right in the middle of it.

That was what Luo Xichen wanted to say.

He stared at her for a while, his lips pursed, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

He simu smiled and looked at the rest of the people. "What do you think? "

"director he makes a lot of sense. " A designer looked at her with admiration.

"director he is very considerate, " another designer echoed.

"Well said, director. " A lot of people chimed in as well.

In the office, there were basically all kinds of exclamations.

Most employees would agree with such words. Although the incident today was on Sha Zhixing, what if it was Luo Xichen's turn one day and he had to leave without a chance to speak? How sad would that be?

Out of insurance for his future, there were a lot of voices chiming in with he SIMU's words.

Luo Xichen could not care less about what other people thought. The only person he wanted to keep was Sha Zhixing, as long as his goal was achieved.

"We'll do as you say, " He Simu said. He looked at her for a while, then turned and walked towards the door.

He simu looked at his back quietly and smiled.

He had come here to say the same thing, hadn't he?

He simu stopped smiling and returned to her work.

When Luo Xichen returned to the office, Sha Zhixing was still sorting out the documents.

He had deliberately messed up the documents, which had taken a lot of her time.

"Rong Xi should add a rule that you can not send people to do things on the other side, " Sha Zhixing sighed deliberately when she saw Luo Xichen.

She had said this to Luo Xichen, but she did not say it to him.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly after she said that. He walked to her side, sat down on the Sofa beside her, and casually picked up the documents and threw them aside.

He put his long arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his arms. Luo Xichen Sat Lazily on the Sofa and looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "Alright, I'll get my secretary to come in and clean it up later. "

"You have a conscience now? " Sha Zhixing looked at him from the corner of her eyes and said sarcastically.

Luo Xichen smiled and pursed his lips without saying anything.

"Shall I go back to the design department first? " Sha Zhixing had not come for the whole morning. She remembered that she still had a lot of things to deal with at work. She pushed Luo Xichen away and was about to leave when Luo Xichen's phone suddenly rang on his desk.

"ANSWER THE PHONE! " Luo Xichen pushed Sha Zhixing away and ordered her to answer the phone.

"Why me again? " Sha Zhixing was very dissatisfied with Luo Xichen's behavior.

"Miss Sha, show your professionalism. You're talking to your benefactor now! " Luo Xichen smirked and teased her.

Sha Zhixing gave him a light kick and stood up to walk towards his desk.

She did not look good at first, but when she saw the name on the phone, her expression changed and she even smiled.

Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes and sized her up. He looked at her reaction and did not look happy.

Who was she smiling at so brightly?

"Rong Ci, why are you calling at this time? How are you and GRANDPA DOING? " Sha Zhixing asked

There was silence on the other end of the phone. A few seconds later, a clear and melodious voice came from the other end. "Zhixing, I'm back! "