Chapter 552: The way to meet a man

One had to know that the old man's temper was not that easy to get used to.

However, not only had sha zhixing not been punished with a cane, she had not even received a single critical rebuke. It was very obvious that the old man was very fond of this young girl, and even doted on her a little too much.

The kindness that old man Luo had shown Sha Zhixing made many people around him jealous. It felt like he was treating his own granddaughter.

After Sha Zhixing arrived, the originally quiet VIP lounge's atmosphere became much livelier. From time to time, she and old man Luo's laughter could be heard.

Luo Rongci sat quietly by the side and did not say anything. However, when he looked at Sha Zhixing, his gaze softened a little.

He had a quiet personality, just like the temperament he exuded, cold and lonely.

The Group of women who had been chasing after him for a while turned their gazes towards Sha Zhixing. Their eyes were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred. They wished that it was them who were sitting there.

Even if they could not hold hands with such a man, it would be good to get to know him.

Sha Zhixing chatted with Luo Yi for a while before Luo Xichen entered the lounge.

His equally outstanding looks caused quite a stir when he arrived.

Compared to Luo Rongci, who had lived abroad for a long time, Luo Xichen's face was more familiar to the people in the country. Almost everyone looked in his direction when he arrived.

The lounge today was filled with a sense of glory. First, it was the unknown VIP, then it was Luo Xichen, and then it was grandfather Luo. None of them looked simple.

Luo Xichen's personality was actually cold. However, his coldness was when he was facing someone other than Sha Zhixing. In front of Sha Zhixing, he was like a completely different person. He joked shamelessly and even shamelessly.

However, when he saw Luo Rongci now, the coldness in his eyes melted a lot. There was even a hint of a smile on his lips.

Rong Ci was the only person he cared about other than Sha Zhixing.

"Xichen, you're here! " Luo Rongci stood up and greeted him when he saw Luo Xichen.

"Why didn't you inform me? " Luo Xichen walked towards Luo Xichen with a smile on his face.

A smile slowly appeared on Luo RONGCI's cold face. He raised his arm and clenched it into a fist.

Luo Xichen understood what he meant. He smiled and his right hand collided with Luo Xichen's fist.

This was a way for two men to meet. There were no face-to-face gifts and no hugging gifts. It was all manly and very hard.

"Let's go home first! " Sha Zhixing helped Luo Xichen stand up and walked out of the airport in front of a group of people.

Luo Rongci and Luo Yi got into Luo Xichen's car, while the rest of the bodyguards stayed at the airport to wait for the Luo family to come and meet them.

Luo Xichen drove them directly to the Luo family home.

At this time, Wen lan was the only one at home. When she arrived, she was shocked to see Luo Yi walking in first.

Sha Zhixing observed her reaction and frowned slightly.

What happened to Auntie Lan?

Was She too surprised?

It didn't seem like it.

"Dad, you're back! " Wen Lan recovered from her momentary surprise and calmed down. She walked to the other side of Luo Yi and helped him to the SOFA. As they walked, she said, "You should have told me earlier so that my family could tidy up your and Rong Xi's room. Well, nothing is ready yet. "