Chapter 559 the shyness of a little girl

The atmosphere between the three of them suddenly became a little awkward.

Sha Zhixing sat in the middle and the corner of her mouth twitched. She glanced at his leg and tried to break the deadlock. "Have you fully recovered? "

Luo RONGCI's face stiffened slightly after she said that. There was a brief moment of dullness in his eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.

"It's okay, don't worry. " His cold voice was still as clear as the wind and flowing water, and his tone was calm.

Sha Zhixing was silent for a while, then said, "last time, Xichen and I came to Northern Ireland once, but we didn't see you. Everyone felt sorry for us back then. Xichen and you haven't seen each other for a while, haven't you? "

"It's fine, " Luo Rongci replied calmly.

Luo Rongci had lived in Northern Ireland for many years. He rarely came back to the country these years, and he rarely met his relatives and friends back home. Luo Xichen was fine, and he would occasionally go to Northern Ireland a few times. The two brothers were not strangers.

"The company in Northern Ireland... " Sha Zhixing was about to continue the topic when Luo Rongci suddenly interrupted her. "Let's talk about you. "

It was not Xichen, it was not the company, it was just her... ...

Sha Zhixing was slightly stunned after hearing his words. She tugged at the corners of her lips and smiled "Isn't that how you see me? I skipped middle school and high school, and then I entered the design school. A few months after graduation, I was accepted by Xichen into Rongxi. After working in a branch company for a while, I transferred to my family... "

Sha Zhixing said a lot of things at once. After she finished, she could not help but feel a little scared.

Why did it seem like she was reciting?

Luo Rongci only smiled faintly after her words.

In fact, he knew everything she said.

Although he could not say that he knew everything about her, he could not help but pay some attention to her.

Luo Yi sat beside them and quietly observed the expressions of the two of them. When he saw that Sha Zhixing's face was a little uncomfortable, he naturally thought that she was shy like a little girl.

Looking at the two of them quietly, the corners of Luo Yi's lips could not help but curl up.

Sha Zhixing and Luo rongci chatted for a while more. Her head suddenly turned to Luo Yi, and she said with a smile, "grandfather, shouldn't we go back? Aunt Lan will send someone to look for us later. "

"Isn't you RONGCI here? What could happen? " Luo Yi was very disdainful of her words, but he did not continue to insist.

After sitting outside for so long, it was indeed time to go back.

He stood up, raised an arm, and his gaze drifted to Sha Zhixing behind him.

When Sha Zhixing saw that he had agreed to go back, she felt much more relaxed. The corners of her lips curled up. She knowingly supported his arm and slowly led him out of the park.

When they went back, they even changed their previous silence and started to joke around with Luo Yi. "Grandfather, since you're back, you should stay for a while more. With you around, everyone will feel more energetic. "

"Grandfather, you might as well not go back. The Luo family has been quiet for too long. With more people around, it's livelier. Aunt Lan often talks about you and Rong Ci. It'll be good for the family to stay together and take care of each other. "

"Grandfather, look at how much time uncle has been at home since you came back. "

Sha Zhixing said a lot in one breath. The Luo family did not have a daughter, so the way she called the old man "grandfather" made his heart go soft.

The three of them walked out of the park side by side. As they walked out of the gate, they wanted to walk towards the Luo family. Not Far Away, a car rushed towards them