Chapter 561: Rage

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at Luo RONGCI's face, and some old images appeared in her mind.

The images were all about a proud and cold figure, high up in the sky, like a cold star hanging in the distant horizon, distant and cold. However, when he smiled, it was very warm, like a ray of light suddenly appearing in the sky after a long period of rain. In an instant.. It made people feel that the world around them was bright.

Luo RONGCI's personality was not originally like this. When he was young, Rong Ci was as warm as the sun, and it was very easy for people to get close to him. However, after that incident, his personality had completely changed, becoming as cold as snow... ...

"drive faster! " Grandfather Luo was obviously agitated by what had happened today, especially when he saw Luo RONGCI's Pale face. He did not care whether the driver in front was one of his men or not, and just roared at the man He only needed to swing his walking stick over.

The man was stunned by his roar, and the car sped up on the road as if it was flying.

Grandfather Luo did not seem to be satisfied. He kept urging from the side, "faster, faster! "

Rong CI was the eldest grandson of the Luo family. He was supposed to be the center of attention, and everyone held him in their hands. If it was not for his injury, Rong Xi's entire kingdom would have been his.

The old man loved both of his grandsons, and he felt even more heartache for Rong Ci. Now that he saw him like this, anger was inevitable.

Sha Zhixing was also in a mess. When she saw Luo Rongci on the day he returned to the country, she had always thought that he was no different from a normal person. She didn't expect today's incident to happen.

The taxi drove all the way to a nearby hospital. After entering, Luo RONGCI was sent to the emergency ward.

Sha Zhixing waited outside with the old man. The old man was very anxious, and his crutches made the hospital floor creak.

"GRANDPA, don't worry too much. Rong Xi will be fine. " Sha Zhixing was actually very nervous, but she still comforted Luo Yi calmly.

She could understand how the old man felt about his grandson. She was actually quite upset to see Luo Yi like this.

The two of them lingered outside the hospital for a while. Sha Zhixing took out her phone and dialed Luo Xichen's number.

In the Luo family's living room, not long after Sha Zhixing and the other two left, Luo Xichen and Wen Lan fell silent.

Wen Lan's mind was in a mess. She had to let Luo Xichen know about some things sooner or later. However, she had not thought of a way to minimize the damage.

She did not want them to be hurt, whether it was zhixing, Xichen, or even Rong Ci.

"Xichen, give me some time. " Wen Lan's mind was in a mess. She took a sip of tea and wanted to go out to sober up when Luo Xichen's phone suddenly rang.

Luo xichen looked at the two words "Zhixing" on the phone screen and answered the call. Before he could say anything, Sha Zhixing's sobbing voice sounded from the other end. "Xichen, something happened to Rong Ci... "

The two people in the room were stunned by her words. They looked at each other, turned around and rushed out.

When they arrived at the hospital, Luo Rongci had already been transferred from the emergency room to a high-end Ward.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Yi were in the room. One of them was standing in front of the hospital bed with a nervous look on his face, while the other kept yelling at the group of doctors. "What's going on in such a big hospital? If she hasn't woken up yet, wait for me to close the door tomorrow! "