Chapter 566: Secrets that can not be told to you

To Luo Yi, Sha Zhixing was a ray of sunshine in Luo RONGCI's life. She had accompanied him out of the darkness.

Luo RONGCI's special treatment towards Sha Zhixing had also been seen by other adults, including Wen lan... ...

Luo RONGCI's thoughts returned to the present. He looked quietly at Sha Zhixing beside him, and his gaze softened a little.

Not Far Away, Luo Yi stood in a corner of the garden and watched the scene quietly from beginning to end. The corners of his lips could not help but curve upwards.

Luo Xichen came back at around seven o'clock in the evening. When he got home, Sha Zhixing was still at the Luo family home.

When he entered the house, she was the only one eating in the restaurant. It was obvious that she had been busy with something all this while.

Luo Xichen entered the house and saw her back. He came to her side and habitually wanted to pick her up and place her on his lap.

He had just made a move when Sha Zhixing slapped his hand away expressionlessly.

"This is not a castle! " Sha Zhixing reminded him. She took the cutlery and continued to eat carelessly.

Luo Xichen did not care. He had been so busy these days that he rarely saw her. Now that there were only two people left in the room, he pressed Sha Zhixing into his arms and kissed her lips eagerly.

The Luo family was not like a castle. There were more servants, and Luo Rongci and his grandfather were also there. Someone could come at any time. Sha Zhixing's face turned hot and she patted Luo Xichen on the shoulder. "Luo Xichen, stop! "

Luo Xichen ignored her and moved his lips to continue.

Sha Zhixing was shocked by Luo Xichen's action. She bit his lips and pushed him away in a panic.

Luo Xichen could not do anything. He looked defeated.

This damn girl!

Did she not miss him these few days?

"AHEM... You haven't had dinner yet, have you? Let me prepare dinner for you. " Sha Zhixing glanced at him carefully and coughed uncomfortably. She found an excuse and left the restaurant ...

When she came out again, she had an extra dinner in her hand.

She placed the food on the table beside Luo Xichen and sat opposite him.

Luo Xichen took the cutlery and tasted it casually. He remembered that Luo Rongci was almost ready and that he had prepared all the wedding procedures beforehand. It could not be delayed for too long He felt that it was time to discuss this with the old man.

He raised his head and looked at Sha Zhixing quietly. He said nonchalantly, "I have something to do with grandfather later. I'll send you back after dinner. "

"What is it? A secret? " Sha Zhixing raised her eyebrows and her eyes flashed.

"something I can't tell you, " Luo Xichen teased her and continued to eat with his head lowered.

After a few minutes, they stood up together with Sha Zhixing. They wanted to send her away and go to the old man, but Luo Yi and Luo rongci slowly walked down the stairs.

Luo Yi's eyes were always on Sha Zhixing's face when he went down the stairs. He smiled and looked at her with an unusually gentle gaze.

"GRANDPA, you came down at the right time. I was just about to go back and say goodbye to you! " Sha Zhixing looked at the two people walking down and her red lips curled up slightly.

"Zhixing, don't go yet. GRANDPA has something important to say to you! " Luo Yi called out to her and walked down the stairs to her side.

Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were stunned by his words at the same time... ...