Chapter 582: a Quick Glance

After entering the dance hall, almost half of the men's eyes were following her figure. They were looking at her with a strange glint in their eyes.

Su Linna was furious, but she did not throw a Tantrum. Every time someone came to the two of them, they would first smile, then throw a bucket of cold water on them and tactfully reject them.

Leis was even angrier. He was worried that someone would come to talk to him later. He walked to Sha Zhixing's side in a few steps, took her hand, and led her to the center of the dance floor. "Phoebe, let's dance together! "

Sha Zhixing did not want to dance with him. Leis'status was too high. If he continued to stand in the center of the dance floor, it would definitely cause a sensation.

And she did not want to be so eye-catching.

"Leis, why don't we go outside the villa and take a walk? " Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at him with a smile, faintly finding an excuse.

Taking the initiative to propose, Leis'expression became much happier. In any case, his goal was just to help her clear away those annoying flies. As for where the two of them went and what they did, it did not matter.

The three of them discussed for a while and then turned to leave the banquet hall.

There were a lot of people present. When the three of them went out, it was a little crowded. They walked in the crowd and bumped into people several times.

Sha Zhixing's face was relatively unfamiliar to the upper-class circles in Paris. However, Leis and Su Linna's faces had been on the newspapers many times, and they were members of the royal family. Almost every guest here knew two people.

On the way out, every place the three of them passed, someone would take the initiative to greet them. Exclamations such as "isn't this Prince Leis and Princess Su Linna? " Could be heard from time to time.

The scene caused quite a stir when the three of them left.

After Mu Siyan arrived at the banquet venue, he had been sitting alone in the corner, drinking a glass of wine quietly in his hand. His Gaze didn't even linger at the scene.

He was invited as a VIP to attend tonight's banquet. He wasn't prepared to come, but when he received the call, he happened to be in France, so he conveniently agreed.

He had never been interested in social events, but this was how the upper-class circles were. No matter how much one disliked it, it was unavoidable most of the time.

He stood up and wanted to find an excuse to leave, but a clear voice suddenly rang in his ear, "excuse me, please make way! "

The voice seemed to be a little far away, and it was spoken in pure English, but there was a hint of familiarity in the voice.

Mu Siyan was stunned for a moment, and his gaze slowly followed the source of the voice.

In the crowd, Leis and Su Linna surrounded Sha Zhixing in the middle and led her out of the arena. The brother and sister both helped her open the way. Although the three of them were very dissatisfied with the crowded guests, they did not show it on their faces The tone of their voices also made it impossible to tell their emotions.

"please make way! " Sha Zhixing lowered her head and quickened her pace as she pushed away a man who was about to approach her.

Mu Siyan looked over from afar. There was some distance between the two of them, and Sha Zhixing's face was tilted to the side. Her body was covered by Leis, so he could not see her clearly.

However, her figure made him feel like he had seen her before.

Sha Zhixing was in a hurry to leave the scene at this moment and walked very fast. Her figure only stopped in Mu Siyan's sight for a few seconds before she disappeared with Leis and Su Linna outside the door... ...