Chapter 587: a Back Garden for you

Sha Zhixing and Leis were walking together on the Champs Elysees Street. The siblings were probably annoyed by the media, so they kept the brim of their hats low ever since they came out. Su Linna directly bought a large retro wide-brimmed hat and put it on her head Her entire face was completely covered up.

Leis had always been very attentive to Sha Zhixing. After coming to the shopping mall, almost everything he saw was women's. He wanted to find a gift that would suit her preferences, but he did not know if Sha Zhixing really did not like it or did not want to accept it, so he rejected all of them.

Leis had a look of defeat on his face. In the end, he went out of nowhere to buy a large bunch of poppies and happily brought them to Sha Zhixing.

"You said this morning that you like poppies. " Leis handed the flowers in his hand to him, and the expression on his face was a little smug.

He did not believe that she would find an excuse to reject something that he had said.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for quite a while after he said that.

Actually, she had just casually used that morning's words as an excuse to avoid him. She did not expect that he would really remember it.

Sha Zhixing actually didn't dislike Leis at all. He didn't have the temperament of a noble. He was gentle and polite. In fact, his personality was very good. Other than always pestering her, he had almost no flaws.

However, in her eyes, he was just a boy. He couldn't even be considered a man.

"thank you. " Sha Zhixing was afraid that it would affect his boy's self-esteem too much, so she took the bouquet and held it in her hand.

It was just poppy. It wasn't a red rose that represented love. Besides, it wasn't like friends couldn't accept flowers.

Under her actions, Leis'face lit up with a bright smile. His handsome face was especially good looking, and the corners of his lips curled up in satisfaction.

Satisfied just like that?

Sha Zhixing was a little speechless towards him, but this also saw through leis'personality. People who were easily satisfied were usually pure and kind.

"brother, why isn't there any share for me? " In the quiet atmosphere, Su Linna's voice suddenly rang out unexpectedly.

Leis glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, and then casually replied her, "when we return to the palace another day, you can choose any flower in the entire back garden. "

"Why did the flower that you gave me become the one in the back garden? " Su Linna had a displeased look on her face as she muttered to herself. However, she did not care about it. She turned around, Giggling as she pulled Sha Zhixing along and continued strolling down the street.

The Brim of her hat was actually very low, in order to avoid being recognized by others. However, sometimes it was inevitable to raise her head to look at the name of the shop or something like that. When she raised her head, the immediate result was that she was seen by several people.

"Isn't this Princess Su Linna? " Someone beside her let out a sigh, and a large group of people instantly swarmed around her.

The wide street suddenly became crowded.

Su Linna didn't expect things to turn out like this. She glanced at Sha Zhixing apologetically, and didn't even care about Leis who was behind her. She pulled her along and started running on the long street. "Let's leave this place first! "

Shi Qinuo didn't like Sha Zhixing being exposed by the media, and Sha Zhixing didn't like it either. Moreover, they were the siblings who came out today. Now that Su Linna had been recognized, it was inevitable that she would be photographed.

Su Linna felt very guilty about this, and she ran faster. She kept looking left and right along the way, ready to stop a car at any time and leave first.

The Car Luo Xichen was in drove slowly on the Main Street of the Champs Elysees. The speed of the car was very slow, and the direction it was going in was the same as the direction the two of them were coming from... ... The same ...