Chapter 595: What if I can't handle it

Luo Xichen's expression finally softened after her words. He slowly let go of her arm.

He raised his eyebrows and said Lazily, "let's go! "

Su Linna rubbed her arm that was hurting from being pinched. She looked at Shi Qinuo behind her, pursed her lips, and walked out of the castle.

She looked very angry when she left.

Who is this person HOW RUDE!

However, what Su Linna could not understand was that she was a princess of the royal family. Why was she afraid of him?

Shi Qinuo stood behind them and watched the two of them leave quietly. His eyes darkened.

Su Linna had led Luo Xichen out of the castle. He was not worried that the girl would expose zhixing. He was afraid that she would not be able to defeat Luo Xichen. What if she could not handle him and let the cat out of the bag?

In Shi Qinuo's eyes, Luo Xichen was like a Fox that had only cultivated for a thousand years. Su Linna would not be a match for him if she met him?

Luo Xichen and Su Linna left the castle one after the other and drove towards a certain direction in the city.

Su Linna sat in the car, her eyes staring out of the window as she thought of a strategy.

She couldn't bring him to Phoebe, but if she couldn't see him, she felt that he wouldn't give up.

Even if she brought him to Phoebe in such a short time, she didn't know where he was.

Su Linna was a little troubled.

Most importantly, she didn't even know who this person was.

She turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen's focused eyes. She asked tentatively, "why do you want to find my friend? "

Luo Xichen looked straight ahead and ignored her.

Su Linna was frustrated and fell silent for a moment. However, in less than two minutes, her voice sounded again. "Who are you to her? "

Luo Xichen increased the speed of the car but still ignored her.

Su Linna pouted and turned her attention to the outside of the window again. She continued to think of ways to solve the problem.

She thought of the home of an overseas student friend and her eyes lit up.

She pointed at the road on the right and reminded Luo Xichen with a smile, "this way! "

"Don't play games with me! " Luo Xichen warned as he turned the car around and drove in the direction she was pointing at.

Su Linna could not help but shiver after hearing his words, but she quickly regained her composure.

Could she sue him for threatening a princess of the Royal Family?

Su Linna was shocked by her own thoughts. She straightened her back and continued to show him the way. "Go straight and turn right at the intersection, then turn left. I'll only take you to her place. As for whether she's there or not, I'm not sure. "

Luo Xichen ignored her and drove according to her instructions. The two of them made a few turns and finally stopped outside an apartment building.

Su Linna got out of the car first and walked in front of the apartment building.

She came to the door and knocked on it. A young woman walked out.

She was very slim and had long black hair. Her skin was fair and clear, and her facial features were very beautiful.

Su Linna was about to give Su Linna an excited hug when Su Linna winked at her and pushed her through the door. The two of them whispered into each other's ears.

When she opened the door again, the woman went straight to Luo Xichen and smiled at him. "Sir, I heard that you were looking for me? "

Luo Xichen stared at her face and his eyes darkened.