Chapter 599-master Luo is a mistress

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

"Su Linna, " she replied, "isn't it too much for you to treat everyone who might be related to me because of me? "

Su Linna stuck out her tongue and smiled as she held her arm. "I'm just being considerate. "

"Alright, just take care of yourself. " Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes and continued to walk into the House.

In fact, she did not want anyone to touch Luo Xichen. If she dug out all the information about him, it would definitely implicate her and his past. That was why she turned her head after hearing Su Linna's words.

Her world did not want to have anything to do with him now. She did not want to be mentioned even in the past!

This was how she was now. Very good.

Leis stood behind her, listening to Su Linna's words with a puzzled look on his face. He slowly reacted. After he came back to his senses, he suddenly pulled Su Linna back to his side. "Is someone trying to hit on Phoebe? "

"maybe, " Su Linna replied indifferently.

After hearing her words, Leis'expression changed slightly, and a sense of crisis immediately rose in him.

Relying on it This was to... ... Snatch a woman from him ? ?

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Leis suddenly said, "Su Linna, we'll go back a few days later! "

"Okay! " Su Linna was not old and loved to play. She thought that she would actually be quite bored after going back and agreed to his proposal thousands of times. She was just short of clapping her hands in approval.

The corners of Leis'lips curled up slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

No matter what his opponent's identity was, he did not believe that a decent crown prince like him could not defeat a "mistress" who appeared out of nowhere!

After Sha Zhixing returned to the castle, she happened to meet Shi Qinuo in the living room.

Seeing him, she walked to his side in a few steps. Her expression did not look too good.

In this year, she had trained her inner heart to be even stronger. She did not reveal her emotions easily. If she really showed her true side, it would only be when she returned to the castle to face Shi Qinuo.

She had a deep feeling for Shi Qinuo. This feeling had been reinforced after the Horse Fall and car accident that they had experienced not long after they had met. After that, Shi Qinuo had been very good to her.

Over the past year, no matter what kind of trouble she had encountered, Shi Qinuo would always stand on her side. He would support her without reservation, not even asking for any reason, just like when she had left.

What moved Sha Zhixing the most was that he had always been helping her silently, but he had never manipulated her into anything. He would leave all the decision-making power to her. This was a form of respect and also a form of trust.

This was Shi Qinuo, a man who had always stood behind her, but had given her all of his trust and everything that he could give.

Living in a foreign country, Shi Qinuo was the only person Sha Zhixing could rely on. Sha Zhixing's feelings for him had already reached the level of family.

So, in front of him, she was basically showing her true side.

"Qinuo, I ran into Luo Xichen again after I went out. " Sha Zhixing sat down beside him, her face gloomy.

Shi qinuo frowned slightly after hearing her words. "What are you going to do? "

Sha Zhixing thought for a moment and said, "I'll move to another place. He's already in Paris. I don't know when he'll visit Eli Castle again. "

Shi Qinuo did not ask further. He nodded and said, "I'll get someone to look after the house for you as soon as possible. "

Sha Zhixing looked at him with a smile, the corners of her lips slightly raised... ...