Chapter 605: A thousand turns and a thousand promises

His gaze was a little evil, but it was as if it had been a century of gentleness. He looked at her quietly, crossed the edge of the pool, and came to her side.

"Zhixing, how can we meet like this? Is this a coincidence? " There was a hint of mockery in his deep voice, as if he had returned to a year ago, when he was used to teasing her.

"You two know each other? " Leis glanced sideways at Sha Zhixing and looked at Luo xichen warily.

He looked at Leis up and down a few times and his alertness increased greatly.

Was this the man who was rumored to be looking for her?

"Who are you to her? " Leis pulled Sha Zhixing behind him. He raised his Chin slightly and looked at Luo xichen coldly.

Luo Xichen completely ignored his gaze as if he could not see him. He pushed him away and reached out to pull Sha Zhixing.

However, before he could touch her, she waved him away coldly.

Luo Xichen's outstretched hand froze in mid-air. His cold gaze fell on her face and he frowned slightly. "Zhixing... "

Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly. There was not a trace of warmth in her eyes.

Shi Qinuo walked over from the other side of the lawn and watched the scene silently. He slowly walked to the side of the three of them.

Sha Zhixing looked over Luo Xichen's shoulder and saw him. A faint smile suddenly appeared on her cold face.

"Qinuo... " Sha Zhixing came to his side with a smile like a flower and held his arm intimately.

She called out to him in a very flirtatious manner.

The sweet whistle made the goosebumps on Leis'arms rise. He looked at Sha Zhixing with all kinds of strange eyes.

What happened to Phoebe Why was her reaction today so strange?

The Sha Zhixing that Leis usually saw was the most real side of her. She could mock you with a few expressionless words. She could sweep you off your feet coldly. She could joke with you without any scruples. She could laugh and laugh But she never called out to him in such a delicate manner.

He had also seen clearly the relationship between Sha Zhixing and Shi Qinuo during this year. The relationship between the two was so pure that there was not a single impurity in it. Otherwise, he would not have pursued her so much.

Why were they so close today?

In contrast to his shock, Shi Qinuo's face remained calm and composed. It was as if he was used to hearing her call him that.

"Qino, we didn't have dinner when we first arrived. Shall we go and see what we have to eat tonight? " Sha Zhixing smiled faintly, ignoring Luo xichen's piercing cold eyes behind her She held Shi Qinuo's hand and slowly walked towards the buffet area.

She did not even look at Luo Xichen from the beginning to the end.

Luo Xichen stood still, his eyes as cold as a layer of frost. The air around him was low, and there was an aura that could freeze a person to death from a few meters away. His expression was a little twisted.

Why was she so familiar with Shi Qinuo?

The two of them had been... ... Seeing each other a lot over the past year ? ?

Qi Nuo knew that he was looking for her, so why didn't he tell him about this Was it because he did not want to, or was it because Zhixing did not want him to?

Leis had already been dumbfounded by the scene just now. He stood rooted to the ground and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

Shi Qinuo accompanied Sha Zhixing to the dining area. With his back facing the two of them, he casually selected two plates of snacks and fruits, one on the left and one on the right. He and Sha Zhixing found a table to sit at the side.