Chapter 627: Don't make me hate you even more

Sha Zhixing was trapped in his arms. Her head was still buried in his chest, and her arms were also trapped in his arms. This posture was a bit strange and intimate.

Sha Zhixing was not used to it. She stepped on him with the tip of her foot, and her body slipped out of his arms. She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window beside him.

She hugged her knees and sat down in front of the window. Her back was facing him. When she remembered that he had said that he would not let her go, her face darkened.

However, she did not force him, and she did not play any tricks with him.

She stared at the garden outside for a long time, and her weak voice rang out slowly "Luo Xichen, I don't know why you are here, but I have my own life, and I have many things to do. You can't trap me here, and don't make me hate you more! "

Luo Xichen's hand, which was flipping through the magazine, paused slightly after she spoke. He looked slowly in her direction, and the corners of his lips curled up in self-mockery. "What? Do you hate me now that you are with me? "

Sha Zhixing turned her back to him and ignored him.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and said expressionlessly, "don't worry, I won't trap you here. "

All he wanted to do was to look at her a few more times... ...

Sha Zhixing's body, which was facing away from him, stiffened slightly. She turned her head and looked at him quietly. Her eyes were a little surprised.

Luo Xichen closed the magazine in his hand and walked towards her step by step. He stood behind her and looked out of the window.

"I will send you away, but don't try to hide from me when you go back. You know my character. "

As long as he didn't want to let go, she would never be able to escape from him!

Sha Zhixing looked at him without saying anything.

Luo Xichen's face was covered in shadows. His face was straight and his eyes were cold. However, there was a hint of... Silence ...

Sha Zhixing rarely saw him like this.

However, she did not want to think too much about it. She stood up from the ground and walked in front of him to the door.

"since you want to let me go, let me go now! "

Her actions were very straightforward and she did not hold back at all.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her, his face slightly dark.

This girl was so energetic when she mentioned leaving?

He suddenly regretted letting her go... ...

"Luo Xichen, you said it! " Seeing that he was still hesitating, Sha Zhixing suddenly turned around.

Luo Xichen glanced at her coldly and walked to the door. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her downstairs.

It didn't matter if he let her go or not. It would be the same if he went to her place!

The two of them went downstairs one after the other and came to the garage. Luo Xichen pushed her into the car and drove away from the villa.

This was the suburbs. As Sha Zhixing had expected, there were not many cars around. It was quiet.

Sha Zhixing sat in the car and looked at him quietly, thinking about how to get rid of him later.

She would never let him know where she lived. Otherwise, with Luo Xichen's shamelessness, he might even move to her place together with his family.

What should I do?

Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and smiled mockingly.

Wasn't her place simple?

I've already found her. I don't believe Luo if I can't find her address!