Chapter 629: Su Linna VS Xi Chen

Sha Zhixing spent the whole day in the castle after she came back.

After chatting with Su Linna and her sister for a while, she learned a few hours of design from Shi Qinuo. By the time she finished, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

The maid in the castle came to the door at half past six and asked the two of them to go downstairs for dinner.

"Let's go together! " Shi Qinuo helped her tidy up the scattered things on the table and went downstairs with her.

He slowed down a little when he thought about how Luo Xichen had taken her away.

He turned to her and observed her expression. "How did it go with Xichen? " He asked

Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks after he said that. A cold look flashed across her face, but she quickly regained her composure.

"I'm so hungry. I wonder what delicious food was prepared for dinner tonight. " Sha Zhixing ignored his question and said as if nothing had happened. She quickened her pace and went downstairs.

After taking two steps, Qingyue's voice came from behind. "Master, hurry up. I have to go back to the villa later. "

The corner of Shi Qinuo's lips twitched slightly, and he followed her in a few steps.

When the two of them went downstairs, Leis and Su Linna were also there.

Seeing that Sha Zhixing had gone downstairs first, Leis very attentively pointed to the seat next to him, indicating for her to sit there.

Sha Zhixing did not shy away from him. How could she let down the prince's kind invitation?

Today, Su Linna very automatically moved closer to Shi Qinuo's side, and then said with a smile, "Shi, your oriental friend should still be in Paris right now, right? "

The other three people at the table were stunned by her words.

Sha Zhixing looked at her suspiciously.

Why did she mention Luo Xichen?

Leis lost his appetite after hearing about Luo Xichen. Although he was not in front of her, he felt a sense of pressure.

"Su Linna, let's eat. Focus! "

Su Linna ignored him and leaned against Shi Qinuo. She smiled and said, "Shi, is that so? "

Shi Qinuo looked at her smiling face and asked expressionlessly, "are you interested in him? Do you need me to tell you about his family background, marriage status, and even the criteria for choosing a spouse? "


Sha Zhixing choked on her water.

She looked at him with a strange expression.

Su Linna and Luo Xichen?

What a joke!

Compared to her shock, Su Linna was obviously happy. She even put her arm around Shi Qinuo's arm and said excitedly, "good, good. Shi, I knew it. YOU'RE THE BEST! It would be better if you tell me more! "

Shi Qinuo's lips curved into a smile after her words, and his gaze silently looked in Sha Zhixing's direction.

Sha Zhixing felt a little flustered in the wind, but other than the little bit of shock on her face at the beginning, she had been very calm ever since.

As if nothing had happened, she ate her own food, and did not even raise her head.

During dinner, because of Su Linna's sudden explosive question, the atmosphere seemed a little strange.

After it was over, Shi Qinuo had someone send the Leis siblings away. He wanted to send Sha Zhixing back to the villa, but she refused.

Shi Qinuo raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch. It was only seven o'clock, not too late. He thought that it should be fine for her to go back alone, so he didn't insist.