Chapter 645: a glass of wine with special effects

Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Luo Xichen. "Second Young Master Shao, I remember saying that you should leave after dinner. "

Luo Xichen's expression darkened.

Go Back Should he let lai SI chase after her?

That was what Luo Xichen thought, but he did not say it out loud.

"The two downstairs are too noisy. Can you stand living in such an environment? " Luo Xichen did not answer her question directly. He placed an arm on her waist and dragged her upstairs.

Sha Zhixing's body was basically being pushed by him. Her footsteps were very stiff. She wanted to stop, but Luo Xichen ignored her. He took a few steps and even carried her up.

Then, he went back to his room and slammed the door behind him, ignoring the siblings who were still downstairs.

Luo Xichen was actually quite angry at the moment. It was a rare time for him to go into the kitchen and prepare a meal. He thought that they could have some romantic time together, but he did not expect that the two of them would ruin it so easily.

He and Sha Zhixing had not eaten lunch yet.

He took out his phone and ordered two takeout orders. While he was waiting for the delivery, he did not care whether Sha Zhixing agreed to go to Fontainebleau or not. He started to tidy up their clothes.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly and frowned.

Where was he going? Why did he have to bring her along What was her relationship with him now?

The takeout was delivered half an hour later. Luo xichen ordered a lot of food. He prepared lunch for him, but Leis took it all for himself.

He glanced at Sha Zhixing who was expressionless behind him. He thought about Feng Dan Bailu and thought that she would not agree if he asked her to go. His eyes slowly darkened.

How should he ask her to go?

He did not notice his expression. Sha Zhixing opened the lunchbox after the takeout was delivered and ate slowly.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. Then, he turned to look at the bottle of white wine and beer on the side. He looked at them quietly and smiled.

Luo Xichen unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured the white wine into the beer bottle. He shook it gently and walked to Sha Zhixing with the mixed beer.

He poured a glass for both of them and handed one to her. He smiled and said, "Zhixing, have a drink with me? "

"You're leaving after drinking? " Sha Zhixing paused and raised her head.

Luo Xichen's face darkened immediately after she said that.

This girl!

He patted her head with his big hand and ruffled her long hair. He corrected her and said, "it's convenient to take a nap after drinking. "

Without caring about her cold eyes, he grabbed her hand and brought a piece of meat from her chopsticks to his lips.

He chewed it slowly with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly, her eyes as sharp as if they were going to pierce through him.

Damn, how shameless!

"Do it yourself! " She pulled her hand back, lowered her head and continued to eat.

Luo Xichen pushed her to the side and sat next to her, handing her a glass of wine that he had poured just now.

He took a sip and clinked glasses with her. "Cheers. "