Chapter 640. Look at you

Why are you so intimate? !

Leis and Su Linna couldn't figure it out.

In fact, it wouldn't have been a big deal if this kind of thing happened between Westerners. However, seeing Luo Xichen do this to Sha Zhixing, the siblings changed their faces at the same time.

Sha Zhixing did not like to walk together with Luo Xichen in public. Not long after he put his hand on her shoulder, she took it off expressionlessly and walked in front of him to the supermarket.

Luo xichen looked at his empty hand, pursed his lips and followed behind her slowly.

He rarely went into a supermarket with Sha Zhixing. Before the incident at the horse farm, it was only once or twice. The main reason was that the two of them did not have that much time.

It was very strange for a person like Luo Xichen to appear in the supermarket. For a person like him who was dressed in an expensive outfit, he would probably be unable to tell the difference between food and grains.

When the two of them appeared, many people around them looked in this direction.

Sha Zhixing was a little disgusted by Luo Xichen's attention. She lowered the brim of her hat and walked towards the fresh area with her head lowered.

Luo Xichen followed behind her, silently admiring the items on the shelves. When he passed by the doll area, he saw a large pile of snow-white pig rabbits on it. He suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He watched quietly. He could not help but reach out and pick up one of them.

It was a very big pig rabbit. It was many times bigger than the one he had given to Sha Zhixing, but it was very cute.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at Sha Zhixing. He dragged the pig rabbit and walked towards her.

He came to her side and looked around as if nothing had happened. He stuffed the pig rabbit into the shopping cart that she was pushing.

Sha Zhixing's pushing stopped when a ball of white suddenly appeared in front of her. She looked at the pig rabbit quietly, her eyes a little absent-minded.

Luo Xichen stood beside her and quietly observed the changes in her expression. His eyes softened a little.

It wasn't like she didn't have feelings for him, was it?

There were many memories between the two of them. This was only a very, very small fragment, but it was obvious that she remembered!

"Zhixing, what I said last night, I've thought about it... " Luo Xichen was just about to ask when Sha Zhixing suddenly picked up the pig rabbit and handed it to him. She said casually, "look, it's so much like you! "

Her actions, expression, and even the tone of her speech were exactly the same as Luo Xichen's. She imitated it perfectly, and her charm was perfect.

Luo Xichen was amused by her words. He suddenly pulled her into his arms and teased her, "does this mean that we can only make a couple with the one at home? "

Sha Zhixing only glanced at him indifferently, then pushed his hand away and continued to walk towards the fresh produce area.

Luo Xichen was responsible for pushing the cart and followed her slowly. His eyes were always on her back. When he looked at her, his gaze was gentle and his lips were full of smiles.

Sha Zhixing vaguely sensed that he was looking at her. She turned her head and glanced at him. She reminded him expressionlessly, "go home early after you buy the things! "

Luo Xichen's lips curled up a little at her words.

She had said that she was going home, not your home, not mine. She had not said that she would not let him continue living there.

Did this mean that she had acquiesced?