Chapter 650 you are the most important

Sha Zhixing was in a dilemma over the dinner.

Especially the cake, which was so sweet that it made her stomach hurt.

Luo Xichen was kind enough to share some of his food with her.

Sha Zhixing did not want to go hungry no matter how hard she fought with him. She had no energy, so how could she fight against him who was so black-bellied?

The two of them were sweet and Greasy in the eyes of outsiders. They finished their dinner one after another and Sha Zhixing was dragged back to the hotel room by Luo Xichen.

She did not want to go, so Luo Xichen was dragging her along.

If it did not work out, he would just hug her.

Sha Zhixing did not want to share a room with him, but it was almost impossible for her to find another room tonight. The main reason was that she did not even know where he had put her ID card.

After entering the room, Luo xichen casually flipped through a hotel magazine with a lazy look on his face.

Sha Zhixing stood a few meters away from him and looked at him quietly. She asked suddenly, "Is there nothing important to do in Paris? "

Luo Xichen paused and raised his head slowly. "What's more important than you? " He replied lazily

His words were actually quite sentimental. However, he did not sound like that. In fact, he sounded a little naughty.

Sha Zhixing was silent for a few seconds. Then, she asked, "when are you going back to the city? "

Luo Xichen's face darkened after hearing her words.

Is this girl so unwilling to stay with me?

Sha Zhixing could not win against him, so she switched to a softer way of communication. "I still have a lot of things to do when I get back. "

Luo Xichen was silent for a few seconds after her words.

Sha Zhixing thought that he had heard her. She was about to continue persuading him when Luo Xichen suddenly said, "what is more important than me? "

His words shocked Sha Zhixing.

Is this person's narcissism acting up again?

She really wanted to reply to him with "everything is more important than you" , but she had to bear with it because of second young master Shao's ruthlessness.

"Luo Xichen, I'm serious. " Luo Xichen suppressed her agitated temper and her expression turned serious.

Luo Xichen slowly raised his head after she spoke. He glanced at her lazily and moved his thin lips expressionlessly. "Miss Sha, do I look like I'm joking right now? "

Sha Zhixing was speechless. She stared at him for a long time. Luo Xichen thought that her temper was about to be triggered, but she turned around and went to the bathroom.

She walked away unhappily as if she was defeated.

Luo Xichen looked at her back and could not help but twitch his lips. He lazily leaned against the Sofa and continued to read his magazine.

Sha Zhixing took a bath in the bathroom to clear her drunken mind. When she was about to go out, she realized that she had forgotten to bring her clothes in.

There were only two towels in the bathroom. She could go out with the towels wrapped around her, but Sha Zhixing was not willing to do that.

It was common for people like Luo Xichen to get into trouble when he was wrapped in a towel.

She hesitated in the bathroom and wanted to change into her daytime clothes to go out, but the door was pushed open from the outside.

Luo Xichen was holding a cool nightdress in his hand. It was a sling, very sexy. He had put it on when he helped her tidy up her clothes.

He glanced at her, waved the nightdress in his hand, and said mockingly, "Deep V, backless. When did you change? "