Chapter 660 addiction to teasing

His breathing was a little heavy and he looked very tired.

In fact, Sha Zhixing could also imagine this.

It had been so hard climbing, and he had to bring someone along. It was twice as hard.

Luo Xichen lay flat on the ground covered with fallen leaves. He put one hand around Sha Zhixing's waist and rested for a while. Then, he suddenly turned his head to look at her.

Thinking of her nervous face in the cave, the corners of his lips curled up again.

He pulled her over, leaned over, and kissed her lips. He opened his mouth slowly. "They say that caring is because of love. Miss Sha was so concerned about me. How deep is the love? "

Sha Zhixing's eyes turned cold after he said that.

Was he playing with her because he had guessed that she would care about him?

"Luo Xichen, I think you are mistaken about one thing. I would care about a person who fell because of me, even if it was just a stranger. It has nothing to do with love, " he said coldly Sha Zhixing stood up and walked forward without looking back.

"Zhixing! " Luo Xichen's expression froze for a few seconds. He wanted to catch up, but Sha Zhixing quickened her pace.

He did not know if it was because he was walking too fast or because he had just been injured. He staggered a few steps and almost fell.

Luo xichen frowned slightly. He walked to her side and turned his back to her. "I'll carry you. "

Sha Zhixing glanced at him coldly. She wanted to push him away, but Luo Xichen pulled her to his side and carried her on his back, ignoring her cold eyes.

Sha Zhixing wanted to struggle, but why didn't she take the advantage?

Her leg really hurt a little.

Luo Xichen did not say anything and carried her on his back quietly.

His footsteps were very relaxed, and his expression was very relaxed. It was as if he had no back.

The forest was full of maple and Birch trees. The road was paved with red and white leaves, and the falling leaves were dancing in the air. The scene of pure nature made the two of them look a little dazed.

After walking for a short distance, they happened to see a lake. The water was so clear that they could see the whole sky.

Luo xichen glanced at Sha Zhixing behind him. He was worried that the wound on her hand needed to be cleaned up, so he turned around and took her to the lake.

He went to the lakeside and placed her on a patch of grass by the lakeside. Luo Xichen broke off a lotus leaf from the lake and wrapped it into a cylinder. He filled it with water and went to Sha Zhixing's side.

He lifted her hand and looked down. He helped her with the wound bit by bit.

The cave wall was very dirty. There were some gravel on Sha Zhixing's wound. He was afraid that if he did not treat it in time, it would cause infection.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly. Her eyes were fixed on his face.

Luo Xichen did not seem to notice her eyes. He helped her with the wound carefully with a focused look on his face.

Sha Zhixing's mind was slowly reacting to what had just happened. She was a little angry when she thought of his prank, but she was still a little scared when she thought about it.

If the hole had been a little deeper, anything could have happened after the two of them fell... ...

"Alright, sit here and wait for me. I'm going to take a shower. " Luo Xichen let go of her hand after helping her with the treatment. He looked at his dirty clothes in annoyance, took off his clothes in front of her, and stepped into the water.

Sha Zhixing was still thinking about what had happened and ignored him.

When she came back to her senses, Luo Xichen was no longer on the surface of the lake... ...