Chapter 655 the most Sullen "good man"

Luo xichen's words were much gentler than usual. His voice was so magnetic that it made one feel a little addicted.

However, Sha Zhixing mercilessly poured a bucket of cold water on him.

"Second Young Master Shao, do you think I would be so easily fooled after being fooled once? "

Her tone was full of sarcasm and sarcasm.

The gentleness on Luo Xichen's face gradually disappeared, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

Was this a scam for her?

Sha Zhixing was not afraid of him. She looked straight into his eyes. Both of them had dark expressions on their faces, while the other was expressionless. After a long confrontation, Sha Zhixing turned around and continued to sleep with him, completely ignoring his cold gaze.

She had not said anything wrong. He had not even asked her for her opinion when he came here. He had only suggested it when he went upstairs and had brought her here in the afternoon, even in such a despicable way!

Sha Zhixing gritted her teeth in anger at the thought of this.

Although she did not know why he suddenly wanted to go to Northern Ireland, if he continued to take her away so aggressively this time, then she would not be blamed for falling out with him again!

The relationship between the two of them had not improved much to begin with. In the end, the Feng Dan Bai Lu incident happened again. Luo Xichen was actually a little self-aware.

He did not even get her back. It would not be good to piss her off.

He also knew Sha Zhixing's character. If he really pushed her to the brink, she might not get along with him for another year.

Luo xichen suddenly felt a little melancholy when he thought of her stubborn temper.

Where did this girl learn her temper from? ! !

Luo Xichen decided not to continue forcing her. He decided to think of other ways.

He closed his eyes and wanted to sleep. However, he caught a glimpse of Sha Zhixing next to him. Luo Xichen could not fall asleep no matter how hard he tried as he smelled the faint fragrance coming from her body.

It was so frustrating to be a good person!

Sha Zhixing actually slept very lightly. Throughout the night, Luo Xichen's tossing and turning sounds were all around her ears. Occasionally, there was the sound of him beating the headboard of the bed in frustration, as if he was venting his anger.

Luo Xichen did not rest until early in the morning.

Sha Zhixing's ears finally calmed down after that. She glanced at him and got off the bed. She tiptoed to his clothes and was ready to look for her ID.

They only brought a suitcase when they came to Fengdan Bailu. She looked through her clothes before taking a shower last night and did not find any ID.

The only possibility was that he had it with him.

She reached out and hugged his clothes. She was about to go through his clothes when Luo Xichen, who had just fallen asleep on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at her with a straight face. "Zhixing, what are you doing? "

Sha Zhixing froze after he said that. She turned her head slowly and looked at him in shock. She was stunned for a few seconds and shook his clothes as if nothing had happened. "I've already changed out of them. Let's wash them together. "

Luo Xichen was stunned by her words. He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a playful look in his eyes. Then, he added leisurely, "is that so? In that case, I'll take my underwear as well. "

Sha Zhixing's expression was a little awkward. Her hands trembled and the clothes she was holding almost slipped out of her hands.

Luo Xichen was calmly enjoying the subtle changes in her expression. His thin lips curled slightly.