Chapter 735 Young Master Luo was busy at the moment

Sha Zhixing felt very unbalanced.

She was a designer, why was she treated like a secretary every time she entered his office?

However, even though she felt unbalanced, she still stood up and helped him organize everything.

Luo Xichen had a lot of things to do, a lot of things that he had accumulated while he was away.

His identity in the company was too special, and Rong Xi's future successor had been decided on him a long time ago, so a lot of things had to wait for his decision.

After Sha Zhixing helped to tidy up, Luo xichen started flipping through a pile of documents.

After that, the room became quiet.

One of them was in charge of tidying up and the other was in charge of reviewing. When Sha Zhixing was tidying up, she would carefully mark the important documents with a pad of paper and pass it to him. This way, the efficiency would be much higher.

The atmosphere in the office was a little quiet.

Both of them had their own jobs and worked for about two hours. When Sha Zhixing went out to pour two cappuccinos and came in again, Luo Xichen's attention was diverted. He looked up from the documents and fell quietly on her face.

Luo Xichen did not like sweet things. Sha Zhixing had made the Cappuccinos on purpose. She wanted them to be closer to each other in the future. She had even made them sweet. There were two cute hearts on the white foam.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched when he saw the two cappuccinos, but he did not say anything.

"This one is for you. " Sha Zhixing pushed one of the cappuccinos to Luo Xichen and took a sip from it.

As she drank, the white foam stained her lips.

Sha Zhixing seemed to have noticed it herself and licked it playfully with the tip of her tongue.

Luo Xichen watched her quietly with a dark look in his eyes.

Sha Zhixing did not notice his gaze. She lifted her Chin and licked it a few times. She seemed to feel that it was not clean and wanted to raise the back of her hand to wipe it. Suddenly, an arm hooked around her neck, pulled down her face and then.. Luo Xichen's exquisitely carved handsome face leaned over

A cold touch came on her lips. Sha Zhixing was stunned and her body was a little stiff.

A deep kiss.

After the kiss, Luo xichen rubbed his lips with his fingers and said, "it's very sweet. "

"drink your own! " Sha Zhixing's face turned hot and she pushed his cup back to him.

Luo Xichen took a sip of the Cappuccino that she had brought over. He frowned slightly, but did not say anything.

"I added it on purpose. " Sha Zhixing smiled proudly.

The first step in the life of a husband and wife was to get closer to each other!

Luo Xichen's expression changed slightly after she spoke. He pulled her neck with his long arm and his lips moved closer to hers again

This time, he kissed her very hard and even bit her lips hard.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? ! " Sha Zhixing was confused by his words and her lips hurt even more.

Luo Xichen ignored her words and did not stop or let go of her.

Outside the house, he simu walked in with a pile of documents in her arms. When she reached the door, the secretary suddenly stopped her.

The secretary did not know what the two people in the room were doing. He did not want to disturb Luo xichen's "business" , so he said politely, "Miss He, Young Master Luo is busy right now. Leave this to me! "