Chapter 737: CACTI are the most similar to you

The secretary was at a loss. Out of curiosity, she peeked into the office.

In the room, Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing were next to each other. Sha Zhixing had her back to the door, so the expression on her face could not be seen clearly. However, Luo Xichen was smiling. His smile was a little mischievous, as if he had eaten his fill.

The secretary's heart skipped a beat. However, her face turned red when she saw him like this.

She did not know what the two of them had done, but he simu had just left, so she should not have disturbed anything.

The secretary turned around and went to her own cubicle.

In the office, Sha Zhi and Luo Xichen had a confrontation for a while, and that was the end of a small episode.

She went back to her desk and continued to help him organize the documents.

Luo Xichen watched her quietly and thought of what had happened in her office. He suddenly suggested, "Zhixing, why don't you share your office with me in the future? "

Sha Zhixing stopped what she was doing and turned her head. She rolled her eyes at him and replied calmly, "No. "

Share a room with him Was it convenient for him to do that?

Luo Xichen was upset. He rubbed his nose and called his assistant. He arranged for them to inform the rest of the Luo family about the dinner party.

Then, he took Sha Zhixing to his office next door.

It was a very big room. Although it was not as luxurious as his presidential suite, it was still very good compared to many of the upper levels of the company. The Sun shone through the French windows and the whole room was exceptionally bright.

Sha Zhixing was very satisfied with the place.

After Luo Xichen had made the arrangements for her, he dragged her downstairs to buy some potted plants while the two of them were free.

She liked to decorate the room with some green plants and make the whole room look green. The refreshing feeling was refreshing just by looking at it.

There was a flower shop outside the square of Rong Xi Building. Sha Zhixing found a random one and went in to pick one slowly.

Luo Xichen followed behind her slowly and suggested, "choose a CACTUS. "

"Why? " Sha Zhixing replied casually as she was admiring a pot of lily of the valley.

Luo Xichen pursed his lips and replied Lazily, "It's the most similar to you, with thorns. "

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened and the expression on her face darkened.

Luo Xichen glanced at her and continued to walk around the flower shop in a good mood.

He was actually not interested in these things at all. The plants in his office were all changed by his secretary or someone else. He looked at them very casually.

Sha Zhixing chose the plants carefully. She saw a pot of water hyacinth and suddenly thought of he simu.

This was the flower that he simu liked very much. It was also the inspiration for her "admiration" series.

Why did she like hyacinth so much Was it because of the language of flowers?

Or was it related to Luo Xichen again?

Sha Zhixing suddenly became curious.

She was not curious about the hyacinth, but the story between he SIMU and Luo Xichen... ...

She turned her head and looked at him. Sha Zhixing walked to him with the pink hyacinth in her hands and shook it in front of him on purpose.

Luo Xichen's eyes were locked on her. He did not even look at the hyacinth. There was no expression on his face.

"Do I look good? " Sha Zhixing raised her head and shook it in front of Luo Xichen again.

Luo Xichen still did not show any reaction.

Sha Zhixing did not give up. She wanted to remind Luo Xichen again, but Luo Xichen's voice suddenly rang out