Chapter 671: In your name, take my surname

As if afraid that Sha Zhixing would go back on her word, Luo Xichen did not take his eyes off her for the whole morning. He watched her putting on her makeup, walking around the room looking for something. He did not even take his eyes off her when she was wearing the wedding dress.

Sha Zhixing's makeup was very light. It was as if she had not put on any makeup at all. She was no different from her normal self.

She was also absent-minded the whole morning. Her mind seemed to be wandering.

It was not until the wedding dress was on her and Luo Xichen helped her put on the matching necklace, and her hands started to become unruly, that she suddenly came back to her senses and looked at herself in the mirror.

The woman in the mirror was dressed in a white veil, and her skin looked like the finest cream. There was a faint honey color in her fair skin, and her facial features were exquisite and small, comparable to a beautiful doll. She was very stunning, but there was a hint of coldness in her.

"IT'S ALMOST TIME! " Luo Xichen raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch. He carried her in his arms and strode out of the room.

His steps were steady and his arms held her tightly, as if she would disappear if he was not careful. His slender legs stepped on the Empty Hotel Garden step by step. When he was about to reach the reception hall, his lips curled into a faint smile He suddenly sped up and carried her out of the hotel. He put her in the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

Luo Xichen did not arrange for anyone to be the driver for the wedding today. He did it himself.

There was neither a long wedding procession nor any fancy wedding ceremony for the two of them. There was only him and her in the car. They were free from all the restrictions of etiquette and were free and at ease.

This kind of wedding was more like a wedding on a journey. They would find a suitable place and no one would disturb them. They would enjoy the fun of being alone together. Heaven would be the matchmaker and earth would be the betrothal. The ceremony was done just like that.

Luo Xichen had actually prepared quite a lot for the wedding this time. However, Sha Zhixing did not want a grand ceremony, so he let her have her way.

However, things were looking good now. As long as there was no shortage of bridegroom and bride for a wedding, everything else did not matter.

Luo Xichen drove very fast. The feeling was as anxious as the night they had their first time together. He turned a few streets and drove into a small town.

He had chosen this place for the wedding. It was a small town with charming scenery but very quiet. He had proposed to her here before.

Everything was very casual for the wedding this time, but Luo Xichen had chosen a very sacred place -- a proper church.

The car stopped at a small road outside the church a few minutes later.

Sha Zhixing got off the car with him and walked in front of him until they reached the outside of the church.

The entire church was beautifully decorated. It was completely designed according to the Romance of the lawn wedding, but it did not lose the solemnity and sacredness of the church. The long stretch of road leading to this side of the house was decorated with flower paths A corridor made of hundreds of flowers was built around it, leading straight to the outermost part of the red carpet inside the church.

Inside the church, a long red carpet stretched from the front door to the foot of the altar. The two sides were surrounded by all kinds of flowers, and the ground was covered with seven-colored rose petals.

Sha Zhixing's eyes slowly swept across the scene. She was about to step onto the path when Luo Xichen put her hand on his arm and led her inside slowly