Chapter 747. There's no need to be so embarrassed

Sha Zhixing saw his reaction from the corner of her eye and her hands slowly stopped moving.

She turned her head slowly and looked into his eyes quietly. She looked into his deep eyes and suddenly said softly, "Xichen, I will stand on your side no matter what. "

Her words were like a piece of reassurance. Luo Xichen's dark eyes suddenly lit up after her words. There was a hint of joy in his eyes, and his thin lips curled up slightly.

She was enough. He didn't care what others thought of him.

Sha Zhixing smiled and suddenly said, "Paella is so delicious! "

"girls, eat less. I'll take care of this. You take care of this! " Luo xichen picked up a small piece of roasted lamb with his fork and put it on her plate. He then casually took a few large plates of seafood and started eating.

He didn't have an appetite before. It was as if he was hallucinating.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched, but she didn't compete with him this time. Instead, she sat quietly beside him.

She did not have a big appetite to begin with. In fact, she had almost finished eating.

When the two of them finished their meal, it was already past nine o'clock when they returned home.

Not long after they arrived home, Wen lan called.

"Mom, what's the matter? " Luo Xichen answered the phone in a much better tone than when they were in the restaurant.

"How is Zhixing? Is She serious? " Wen Lan was still worried about Sha Zhixing's condition and wanted to go to the two of them to take a look.

Luo Xichen looked up at Sha Zhixing, who was walking upstairs in front of him. He did not want Wen lan to be worried as well, so he replied indifferently, "she's fine. She's full of energy. "

Wen Lan could not help but twitch her lips.

Sha Zhixing stopped in her tracks, turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen, frowning slightly.

Full of energy... ... It was her ? ?

"Why don't you use energy, energy, and spirit? " Sha Zhixing was a little dissatisfied with his words. Such words did not fit her image?

Luo Xichen glanced at her and said without changing his expression, "If you don't give me a proper answer, aren't you afraid that your mother-in-law won't be able to resist coming over? "

Sha Zhixing and Wen lan fell silent at the same time.

One of them blushed slightly and forgot to reply.

The other was stunned for a moment and then smiled slowly.

The two of them were still joking normally. It shouldn't be a big deal, right?

"take good care of Zhixing. Mom will come over tomorrow. " Wen Lan did not want to disturb their rest time, so she ended the call with a few simple words.

Luo Xichen hung up the phone and walked up the stairs step by step. He came to her side, held her hand, and walked towards the master bedroom.

Back in the room, Luo Xichen rummaged through the medicine box and pushed her onto the sofa. He turned her around and asked her to turn her back to him. He unzipped her dress and quietly began to apply medicine for her.

Sha Zhixing was actually quite embarrassed to be in such a position, especially when her clothes were about to fall off.

Her face was a little red and she wanted to tell him to let her do it herself. However, she remembered that she did not even know where the wound was, and it was on her back. Wasn't she just looking for trouble?

Luo Xichen also noticed her embarrassment. He glanced at her and teased her casually, "Miss Sha, you don't have to be embarrassed. We've been married for so many days. What does it matter? "

Sha Zhixing was not that embarrassed. She was embarrassed when she heard what he said.

Would he die if he did not say it out loud?