Chapter 758, the missing part of the wedding, was now made up for

Although it was a party, it was actually a gathering of a group of people.

By the time Luo Xichen arrived, there were already a lot of people busy with the barbecue. The strong smell of barbecue could be heard everywhere.

Sha Zhixing was surrounded by Ji Nanyou and Ken Nisi. The two of them kept toasting her.

Ji Nanyou said, "sister Zhixing, this is your first time here. I'll toast you first. "

Ken Nisi followed his words and toasted Sha Zhixing. "welcome to the last night. This toast is for you. "

The two of them spoke one after the other, and they drank very straightforwardly.

Sha Zhixing's personality was also very straightforward. Since the two of them had toasted her, it was impossible for her not to drink. She drank two cups in a row very quickly.

Ji Nanyou cast her a look of admiration and looked at her with a smile. He poured her another cup. "This toast is for you and Xichen. You weren't able to attend the wedding. Let's make up for it now. "

As soon as he said this, the others who were not far away from the two of them also gathered around.

"Young Madam, this toast is for you too! " A group of people joined in the jeering.

Then, without waiting for Sha Zhixing to reply, they clinked glasses with her and drank the entire glass.

Hai Yue frowned as she watched from the side. She turned her head and glanced at Sha Zhixing. She was a little worried for her.

This group of people must have played too much, right?

So many people had toasted and all of them had toasted. would she be able to do it?

The wine on the table was all red wine. For it to appear in absolute night, it must be a treasured item. The concentration was not low either. If she drank it like this, most men would not be able to withstand it, right?

Sha Zhixing's alcohol tolerance was considered good among women, but she had never drunk so much. She was actually a little nervous.

What made her even more confused was that Mo Yichen also ran over to her.

"Zhixing, I have to toast you too! " Looking at her, Mo Yichen smiled and raised his glass.

"Mo Yichen, don't mess around! " Hai Yue patted his shoulder and pushed him away righteously.

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at the wine glasses placed around her. The corners of her lips stiffened and she took a few deep breaths. She raised her glass and drank four glasses in a row.

When she was about to take the fifth glass, a hand pushed her hand away lightly.

Sha Zhixing was a little stunned. She turned her head slowly.

Luo Xichen stood beside her, his deep eyes locked on her red cheeks. He frowned slightly and pushed her behind him.

"Let a man do this kind of thing. " With one hand protecting her, Luo Xichen held the wine glasses on the table expressionlessly and drank one glass after another.

He drank very quickly and nimbly. The people around him were a little dumbfounded by his straightforwardness.

Sha Zhixing looked at the numerous wine glasses on the table and was a little worried. She pushed him gently and asked, "are you alright? "

"I'm fine, " Luo Xichen replied calmly.

Sha Zhixing observed Luo Xichen's expression carefully and did not find anything wrong. She felt a little relieved.

However, the relaxed feeling did not last for more than two seconds before Luo Xichen interrupted her with a staggering step.

His reaction was very slight and one would not be able to tell if one did not look carefully. However, Sha Zhixing was standing beside him and she could clearly feel it.

"I'll take him to the side to sit for a while. " Sha Zhixing was a little worried, and did not explain much. She helped Luo Xichen to a lounge chair by the lakeside.

As soon as they sat down, Luo Xichen suddenly hugged her tightly with both arms.

He leaned against the cold back of the chair and leaned his face towards her. The tip of his nose was almost touching hers, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly. His voice was particularly Hoarse. "were they making a scene just now because of our wedding? "