Chapter 760: I like you

Sha Zhixing's already blushing face turned red from the teasing words.

"What else could it be? " Hai Yue asked curiously.

Mo Yichen glanced at her lazily and said slowly, "why don't you just find a man to date? "

Hai Yue was stunned for a few seconds. After she came back to her senses, she raised her foot and kicked him. "GO TO HELL! "

"You wretched girl, be gentle! You're just like a man, you're not afraid that you won't be able to GET MARRIED! " Mo Yichen rubbed her leg, glared at her and limped away.

Sha Zhixing was actually quite embarrassed. She was afraid that Hai Yue would ask more questions, so she carried the water and walked towards Luo Xichen.

When they arrived at the lakeside, Luo Xichen was leaning against the back of the chair and taking a nap with his eyes closed. The silver moonlight quietly fell on his handsome face, making him look a little hazy at the moment.

"have a glass of water! " Sha Zhixing handed him one of the glasses of water, while the other glass of water was placed beside him.

Luo Xichen's slightly narrowed eyes opened after her words. He glanced at her and wanted to pull her to sit down beside him. When he reached out his hand, Sha Zhixing took big strides away.

"I'll get you something to eat! " Sha Zhixing waved her hand with a smile and walked towards the Party area as if nothing had happened.

They came to the barbecue area and looked around. They found two large plates. When they saw whose food was ready, Sha Zhixing snatched it all away.

Mo Yichen was snatched two Hams by her. Ken NISI's fresh shellfish was gone. Qing Yafeng's vegetables and Hai Yue's fish were a full plate.

Qing Yafeng did not expect her to be so friendly. He was stunned for a while at first.

Sha Zhixing smiled sweetly at him. Her eyes were very innocent, as if she didn't feel like she had done anything.

Qing Yafeng stared at her for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"Sister Zhixing, I like your personality! " He put his long arm on her shoulder, and a smile slowly appeared on Qing Yafeng's cold face.

Few people in Jue ye would be polite to their own people. Now that they were a family, why were they so formal?

As long as they were happy, it was fine as long as they were together.

Sha Zhixing did not argue with him. She pointed at the oyster that was about to be roasted next to him and smiled innocently. "If you like it, can I have that too? "

The corner of Qing Yafeng's lips twitched slightly. He ruffled her hair and felt a little enslaved. However, he turned around and continued to roast it for her.

Luo Xichen was sitting by the lakeside. He saw the scene from afar and frowned.

Were they trying to seduce his wife while he was not around?

Qing Yafeng was courting death!

Sha Zhixing did not notice him. She continued to stroll around the crowd with her plate in hand, snatching the plates from whoever she went to.

She was actually afraid that Luo xichen would wait for a long time and would not have enough time to roast the plates by himself.

There were many people here and there was a lot of cooked food. She could simply get some from a few people and the plates would be almost full.

She filled both plates to the Brim, served two servings of desserts, and poured two more cocktails. Sha Zhixing came to Luo Xichen on a tray.

She matched them quite well. She even served desserts and cocktails. Desserts were mainly for filling the stomach. She was afraid that Luo Xichen would feel uncomfortable if he drank too much.

Luo Xichen could not help but smile as he looked at the things that she had brought him.

In fact, she was quite considerate sometimes... ...