Chapter 763: Let's go to the back of the mountain

Sha Zhixing had often done such things to him when she was young, but it was rare for her to do so when she grew up.

Luo Xichen actually enjoyed it. The feeling was very intimate.

Ken Nisi glanced at him and said unhappily, "is this a show of affection? "

"You don't like it? " Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at him. Luo Xichen said expressionlessly, "find one yourself! "

Ken Nisi smiled after his words and did not say anything else.

Luo Xichen stood up and walked towards Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing wanted to go around and see who had something good to roast. However, as soon as she walked into the crowd, she was dragged into a toast.

She probably thought that she had overdone it. This time, the crowd was toasting a low-alcohol cocktail.

Sha Zhixing could accept it.

She drank a few glasses of wine along the way and felt that her stomach was full of water.

Luo Xichen walked towards her step by step. He did not care that everyone was there. He dragged her towards their villa.

"Second Young Master, you're leaving so early? The party has just started! " Ji Nanyou laughed and teased.

"A man has three things to worry about. " Mu Siyan glanced at Luo Xichen and teased him casually.

"What's the three things to worry about? " Hai Yue curiously leaned towards him and asked with a smile.

Mu Siyan turned his head and looked at her indifferently. He pressed on her head and pushed her back. "It's a man's problem. Why does a little girl know so much about it? "

Hai Yue snorted disdainfully and ran over to continue going crazy with Mo Yichen.

Luo Xichen left the scene with Sha Zhixing in broad daylight. The two of them walked back to the villa together. At first, they walked as if they were taking a walk. At the end, Luo Xichen suddenly quickened his pace and held her hand They almost ran back to their own villa.

He was very fast. It really felt like he was in a hurry to do something.

Sha Zhixing did not understand why he was in such a hurry at the beginning. When they reached home, Luo Xichen's next actions gave her a direct answer.

He kicked the door open and entered the room. He pushed her against the wall behind him and leaned his face down on her

The passionate kiss lasted for ten minutes.

After the kiss, Luo Xichen relaxed and sat down on the carpet. He looked at Sha Zhixing and smiled mischievously.

Sha Zhixing blushed and sat down beside him.

"Is it not good to leave like this? " Sha Zhixing felt a little guilty at the thought of having prepared so many people for the two of them.

"They won't mind. " Luo xichen looked indifferent.

Sha Zhixing had drunk a little too much tonight. Her body was a little warm and her limbs were a little weak.

She picked a seat on Luo Xichen's body and leaned against him for a while. Suddenly, she put her arms around his waist and said coquettishly, "Xichen, I want to go to the back of the mountain. "

"where are we going to the back of the mountain at this time? " Luo Xichen looked at her face. He looked at her smiling eyes and her red cheeks. He stared at her for a while and frowned.

Is this the effect of alcohol?

The corner of his lips twitched. He could not help but push her head. "Why are you thinking of going to the back of the mountain? "

"Isn't it a good time to soak in the hot spring at night? " Sha Zhixing replied, quoting what he had said earlier.

Luo Xichen was stunned for a moment before his lips curled up.

Going to the hot spring?